I won't watch from a distance anymore/Namjoon

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It was a cold winter evening and the boy with the glasses was sitting alone at the edge of the rooftop. The building his apartment was, wasn't the tallest but the rooftop gave an almost breathtaking view of the dark sky.
Despite the snow in the morning, the sky was now crystal clear full of tiny silver stars.

Namjoon always liked sitting here at this time of the evening. It was right after dusk, when all these beautiful sunset colors disappeared and gave their place to the dark sky and it's shiny constellations.

The scenery was so inspiring to him that he could scribble dozens of pages in his notebook writing personal thoughts and lyrics, reflecting on life, thinking of places, occasions and faces.
A few neighbours from the near buildings would sometimes shake their head at the boy sitting there alone in the cold for hours.

He could care less. He loved the inspirational atmosphere he was in up there. It was the only time of the day he could relax and let his mind wander writing down every thought.

And it wasn't just that. Sitting there, at this hour, it was his only chance to catch a glimpse of a certain girl. You.

You were always passing by his building at exactly 9.10pm, after you finished your shift at the local grocery store, since your apartment was located in a building two blocks away from his.

He was always watching you from his place at the rooftop.

You two weren't really acquainted. The only conversation he ever had with you was about his change at the cash register the few times he came across you as the cashier.
He was a shy guy, he couldn't really start a proper conversation with you.

He was always watching from a distance, too bashful to take another step.

Same night, tonight.
He was writing some lyrics regarding youth and its loss and at the same time trying to distinguish the constellation of Sagittarius up in the night sky.

Suddenly, he checked his watch and he was surprised to see that it was already 9.09pm. He knew that anytime now he would see you walking down his street with a quick step.

As he wrote down a few more lines, he noticed that today you were late.
As the minutes passed and there was no sign of you, he stood up and looked down at the street.
It was curiously empty and very quiet.
He could even hear the whistling of the cold air.
It was rather weird.

Before he decided to stick to the possibility that you were sick and didn't go to work today or something like that, he checked his watch one last time. When it striked 9.30pm, something changed in his peripheral vision.

Looking up he saw at the start of the street a figure walking in a rather quick pace.

He recognised you immediately but he didn't sigh in relief that you finally showed up. Because what he didn't recognise was a man a few steps behind you with a pace matching yours but way more menacing.

He was all in black and a hood shadowed his face whereas his right hand was carrying a rectangular shiny object. Was that a pocket knife?

As the man spoke to you -something inaudible to Namjoon's ears-, the boy noticed that you quickened your pace clutching onto your purse with a panicky expression on your face.

Namjoon couldn't stand there watching anymore.

Not even realising that he dropped his notebook on the ground, he immediately turned around, got into the building and started descending the staircase hurriedly, almost three steps at a time.
Right now he was thankful for the few flights tall the building was and also for his long legs making him reach the entrance door in no time.

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