Book recommendations/Seokjin

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》D/N: Yes it's a chapter, not actual book recommendations lol 😂

Yoongi snickered as he witnessed his friend, Seokjin, almost tripping at the entrance stairs of the bookstore.

"Shut up." Seokjin scowled at him.

The only reason Yoongi had decided to follow him was because he knew he would somehow make a fool of himself in his spying mood. He was looking forward to be a VIP audience at that.

He was curious as to what he would think to use as an excuse for his forth visit this week at the bookstore.
Back in their room, a pile of books had already been formed in a corner, probably already forgotten by their owner.

Seokjin didn't need any books actually. He wasn't very interested in literature nor he needed any for college since he had acquired his decree almost a year ago.
However, he was very interested in the bookstore staff. A certain employee, to be precise.

Turning on the aisle dedicated to mystery novels, with a wide smile plastered across his lips, he prepared mentally his excuse for today's visit in order to have a chance in a conversation with you.

But, to Seokjin's surprise, you weren't at your usual spot organising the new releases.

In fact, the store was curiously empty and quiet. There weren't any customers and the staff seemed absent.

Seokjin looked around almost desperate to Yoongi's amusement.

"Don't you think you should actually read the books you already purchased first before you get new?" He asked mockingly.

"Don't you think you should mind your own business?" Yoongi shrugged at his words and was about to leave since there didn't seem to be any action today, when he noticed a stack of books at the end of the aisle.
Recognising the one he had read the previous week by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, he rushed there completely forgetting Seokjin and his spying flirt skills.

"Ugh." Someone groaned at the other side of the store followed by a loud thud.

Seokjin frowned and turned his head suspiciously to the direction the sound was heard.
Giving one last glance at Yoongi who was busy rummaging through some books, he rushed to the other side of the store.

"Aah, you're so clumsy lately. You can't even carry a few books. If I find out that you just damaged them, trust me, you're fired." A middle-aged man growled as he looked down at you. His glasses were way too high on the crook of his nose, making his glaring eyes disproportionate to the rest of his face.

Seokjin observed the scene from behind the self unconsciously scowling at the man who was now walking away from you.

He rushed to your side finding you frowning in between books scattered across the floor as you kept rubbing your head.

"Here. Let me help." He said smiling a wide grin and kneeling in front of you. Immediately he started gathering some of the fallen books.

"Ah. Thank you so mu- oh it's you again." You shook your head sighing as you gazed at the familiar boy who had visited the store over three times this week.

Seokjin shrugged, a playful grin on his lips as you both stood up.
"My friend was looking for a book this time." He said gesturing with his hand at the other side of the store. "He didn't have a ride."

"Uh huh. Right." You said half believing him. Looking at the direction he gestured there really was a boy searching through books.
"How's the other books though? Did you get to finish any?"

"Aah! Of course!" Seokjin lied and he smiled widely to the point where his eyes disappeared behind his wrinkling eyelids. "I read one yesterday. Really good. Excellent."

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