Best friend stuff / Jungkook

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"Shit." You heard yourself say when you laid eyes on the individual that just entered the bar.

It was early. Too early for him to be here. This only meant that things went terribly wrong.

The dark-haired man dragged his legs to the counter almost tripping as he gulped from his almost-empty green bottle.

You frowned at his appearance.
He looked like a mess. He seemed to have lost his coat as he was only in a half unbuttoned dress shirt and black formal pants. A tie was hanging loosely around his neck and sweat stained his fair skin.

"Isn't this just the best day ever?" He exclaimed sarcastically throwing his hands in the air as he spotted your worried eyes and headed straight for the chair in front of your counter.

"Oh Jungkook. What happened?"

"What happened? Nothing happened? Life is great. I feel perfect."

A few customers had turned their attention to the young man who was creating a scene breaking through the low conversations and creating an uncomfortable silence.

You sighed as you watched him sitting down slouching his shoulders and covering his face with his hands.

"What's the strongest thing you have in here?" He asked, his voice muffled.

"Nothing." You said taking the bottle away from him. "No more drinking for you. And don't sit comfortably, my shift is over. You are leaving with me."

"No, I think I'll stay, thank you. I really want to know if the rest of the staff is as bad at service as you." He contradicted glaring at you with bloodshot eyes.

You ignored him and proceeded to fill a glass of water for him.

"So... " You started, eyeing him warily hesitating to ask considering his state. "Was it true?"

His silence was filled with answers.
Your heart ached for the boy.

"I'm sorry-."

"Let's just get out of here." He cut you off and proceeded for the door leaving you behind.

Wearing your coat, you greeted the waiter who was just starting his shift.
"Bye Ji."

He looked at the boy who was exiting the bar with a frown.
"Bye, hope everything's alright."

It was chilly outside as Jungkook leaned over the wall waiting for you. He felt drained.
After getting sacked in the morning due to constant tardiness and avoiding a car crash at the last moment only to be robbed off his wallet after that, he couldn't possibly believe that the day could get any worse.
He was wrong.

Getting out of the bar you took his hand leading him to your car.
"Where's your coat?" You asked gently as he opened the passenger door and flopped himself down shrugging.
You shook your head and skidded to the other side of the car.

During the ride, he was quiet, absorbed into his own thoughts. An expression impossible to interpret was drawn across his face and his eyes were piercing as he looked straight ahead but actually seeing nothing.

"What did she say?" You hesitantly broke the silence.

"The truth." His voice came out as a whisper.

"He... was he there too?"

He forced a sarcastic smile furrowing his eyebrows.
"No, he kicked him out first."

You gulped at his blunt voice. You resisted forcefully the urge to start the 'I told you so' lecture.
You had subtly warned him so many times about her. You could see it in her eyes that she'd hurt him. She didn't deserve him and his love. He was too whipped to take anything seriously.

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