Don't give up/Hoseok

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"Ouch!" You heard yourself say as you ended up on the ground once more.

"Ugh!!" You groaned as you checked your bruised arm. You had been trying to do that dance move all afternoon.
It didn't seem difficult at first. You just had to put all your strength on the left hand, balance your body straight, turn your head the right moment and land on your feet.
Hoseok had showed it to you in the morning and his graceful show made it seem like it was a piece of cake.
It wasn't though. You still hadn't managed to accomplish it.

"Will you concentrate?" your teacher's angry voice echoed in the room.

Normally, Mrs Cathy was a very patient woman. Cold yes, but patient. But now you could see the the reddish colour on her cheeks and the veins popping up on her neck. She was very mad.
"Your performance is in four days and you're still struggling with that move. How are you supposed to go out there and show them the whole choreography if you can't do a single dance move well? I didn't expect this from you! I'm seriously thinking of replacing you with Lisa."

You could feel the tears in your eyes in spite of your efforts to prevent them of showing. You hated crying. You hated looking weak.
But it was all too much. The sharp pain of your arm, the rejection.
The failure.
Unable to speak a single word, you faced the floor trying hard not to burst into tears.

"Go home." Mrs Cathy said sighing to calm herself. "And unless you show me everything you got tomorrow morning, Lisa takes your place." Her voice was firm but menacing. She was dead serious.

As you descended the big staircase leading to the exit of the building, you couldn't keep the tears that started falling uncontrollably. You cried all the way home.

Reaching your apartment door, you searched for the keys in your bag sniffling at your nose when you sensed movement on your left.
"Shawty?" Hoseok's calm voice filled the dim hall and suddenly you felt a lot better hearing his nickname for you.
"Where were you? I thought you were supposed to finish practice two hours ago. I've been waiting for you since."

You were grateful for the dim light in the hall that hided your tearful face, but his voice was still concerned.
You didn't speak. You knew that you even speaking a word would result in another burst of tears.
"Shawty? What's wrong?"

You closed the gap between you and him, and you snaked your arms around his neck breathing in his comforting scent.
"Cathy will kick me off the show, Hobi. I will lose my scholarship, I'll have to leave everything. My studies, my friends, dancing and y-you." You heard yourself say in a blank voice ready to break anytime.

Hoseok cupped your face with his soft hands and looked at you intensely.

He knew what it felt like being so close to failure, to giving up. He knew the feeling of rejection and the following emptiness.
"Look at me love." He said firmly and tenderly at the same time.
You raised your head and stared at him not caring anymore for the tears that started falling again.

His dark hair was wet and pulled back with a black headband.
He looked tired. Black circles covered his eyes although they were still shining. You drank on his sweet characteristics and felt so thankful for his presence in your life.

"Please, don't do this to yourself. You will lose everything only if you allow yourself to believe that. Only if you take seriously the people that bring you down. They don't know your limits. You know them and I want you to reach them and show everyone how much you worth it.
I want you to believe in yourself. I want you to believe that you can do it. I want you to believe that you've worked hard and you have the ability to overcome any fear or obstacle at this point. I know you can do it. Do you?"

"But the dance move- ."

"It's just a move. It doesn't compare to the vibe you give when you dance. The way you express yourself feeling the rhythm of the music." A soft smile appeared on his lips as he looked at you tenderly. "I've seen you dance, love. And it's my favourite thing to do.
You look like you get immersed in your own imaginary world and you take me with you. And I love you for that." He said as he kissed your forehead.

"Have faith in yourself, love. Listen to yourself, not the ones that bring you down. You are enough and you won't fail."

His body warmth, his arms around you and his sweet words were all you needed.
You knew he was right.
You knew that you couldn't give up now.

You would do it. You would prove that you deserved to be here like everyone else.
You wouldn't leave without giving a fight. Dancing was that important in your life.

And he was more.
You nodded fiercely at his inspiring words, smiling at that sweet boy who had taught you so many things not only about dance, but also about life and the importance of the effort.

His bright smile was enough to brighten the dim room and warm your heart.
You loved the boy so much.

Personally, I really like this chapter, it's, well, full of hope (pun  intended).
I dedicate it to everyone who is struggling and feeling like giving up. Have courage and self-confidence, you are never alone.
I hope Hobi's words made you feel better. That you shouldn't give up because better days are coming your way, if you keep trying.

So, here's an illegal gif of J-Kill's tongue technology and smirk.
I purple you.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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