Chapter 2

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The following morning, Cream woke up early and eagerly got reader for her first day as a member of the EPD. She didn't care about how early it was, because she quickly got dressed in her uniform and was ready to go to work.

After grabbing her keys and her cell phone, she was ready to head out. Cream rushed to the EPD police station and was ready for work. As she walked through the front doors, she wasn't sure on where to go. Luckily, there was an officer sitting at the counter. He was a large, purple cat. He was doing some work on the computer and was eating a donut.

"Excuse me," she told the cat behind the counter.

The cat put down his donut and looked around. When he saw Cream smiling at him, he said, "Hello. Wow, they weren't kidding. They really did hire a rabbit."

"Yeah. I'm Officer Cream. Nice to meet you, Officer..." Cream greeted him.

"Big. Big the Cat. Welcome to the force. You know, you're cute, especially since you're a rabbit," said Big.

"Oh... I don't think you know. A rabbit can call another rabbit cute, but when other Mobians do it..." said Cream nervously.

"Oh, my apologies. I'm sorry if I stereo typed you," Big apologized.

"It's alright. Anyway, I was just wondering where I go to for rollcall," said Cream.

"It's right down that hallway," said Big. He pointed to the direction that Cream had to go down to get to rollcall.

"Okay. Thank you Big," said Cream.

"You're welcome," said Big.

Cream walked down the hallway. As he watched her walk down the hallway, Big said, "Hope she's ready for the force, or else she might get killed out there."

Cream didn't hear Big's comment, because she made it to the room. When she walked in, everyone was preparing for rollcall. There were so many different Mobians among them, and Cream wasn't surprised when she saw that there weren't any rabbits other than herself. She knew she was the first rabbit officer.

Cream took a seat at a table by herself.

"Alright, shut it!" said a voice.

A black hedgehog with red stripes on his quills came in. It was the chief, and his name was Shadow the Hedgehog.

"Okay, three orders of business. First, we need to address the elephant in the room... Francine," said Chief Shadow.

Everyone turned to face a Mobian, who was an elephant.

"Happy birthday," he told her.

The officers around Francine started to tell her happy birthday, while those who weren't sitting next to her clapped. Cream clapped as well.

"Second, we have a new recruit, but I'm going to skip over it because I don't care..." said Shadow with a bored look.

A few officers started to snicker, but Cream was a bit quiet. She didn't show any forms of reaction. Was this how Shadow welcomed new officers? Or was it something else?

She didn't question it, because Shadow kept on talking.

"And now, our main order of business. The Missing Mobian case. We're missing fourteen Mobinas, all of which are in the predator class. From a cheetah, to a hawk, we need to find these missing Mobians," said Shadow.

Cream looked at a board right behind Shadow. It had a map of the city and had photos of the missing Mobains. Shadow started to call out the names and handed files for each areas he wanted the teams to investigate and work on the case. Cream didn't hear her name until the end, when the other officers were out the door and left for their tasks for the day.

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