Chapter 10

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Tails and Cream not only solved the case, but they saved Emeraldtopia from its state of panic. With Sally and her henchmen arrested, no one was going around shooting any predators with a dart gun to make them go savage. The duo told the doctors who were treating the savage predators that the reason the predators went crazy was because of the chemicals in the Night Howler flowers. Now that they knew what was making the predators go savage, the doctors were able to make an antidote for the affected predators, and it was proving to be effective and curing the predators.

Sally, Scourge, and Mephiles were behind bars now. No one could go around and turn any more predators savage. After Sally was revealed to be the one behind the whole thing, the police interviewed Storm to make sure he had no clue about Sally's treachery. He simply stated that he didn't know about Sally's plans, but he imprisoned the first fourteen Mobians in an attempt to try to protect the city. The police decided that he'd get an appeal in court to see if he deserves a shorter sentence or to finish his sentence first.

Cream felt happy that she was able to fix what happened after she thought she solved the case. It relieved her to see prey no longer using prejudice against any predators, and she was happy that the savage Mobians were finally getting cured from what Sally did to them. Shadow offered her the chance to rejoin the EPD, and Cream accepted, but with one little condition.

Once again, Cream went to Tails and asked him if he wanted to be her partner. Tails didn't want something making him change his mind again. He wanted to be her partner in the EPD, so the second Cream asked him again, he immediately signed up. He was officially a police officer and Cream's partner, as well as the first fox police officer.

Tails and Cream were happy with their jobs as police officers. Their friendship meant a lot to them, and now that they could work together, they loved it. They did their best on any case that Shadow wanted them to, but the best part of any case was working together.

Some time passed since the case was solved. Tails and Cream had a day off, and they were going to a concert to see Sonia the Hedgehog sing and perform later that night. But before they'd head to the concert, they wanted to pay a visit to Jet the Hawk and Wave the Swallow. Not only did they become good friends with them after finding Jet and telling the doctors what was wrong so they could cure him, but they also wanted to see Jet and Wave's new baby. They dropped by at Jet and Wave's apartment, and they got to see their new daughter Skyla the Hawk.

Cream and Wave started having a little conversation while Wave let Cream have a chance to hold Skyla. Tails had something on his mind, so he wanted to go to Jet for advice.

"Something on your mind, Tails?" asked Jet.

Tails looked over to make sure that Cream wasn't listening. Cream was busy with her conversation with Wave.

"Jet... I love Cream, and I want to tell her how I feel. The time we spent together made me realize that I love her. I asked her to go to the concert with me so I can try to tell her how I feel. I even want to ask her to move in with me, so she doesn't have to be in her cruddy apartment. I'm just nervous that she won't accept or doesn't like me in return..." said Tails.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about, Tails. You know, when I finally recovered at the hospital, Cream went with Wave to see me wake up. When my wife and your friend explained everything to me on what happened while I went crazy, I could see it in Cream. The way she talked so much about you, I knew that she likes you. I doubt she'd reject you tonight," said Jet.

Tails smiled nervously and said, "Thanks Jet..."

Later that evening, Tails and Cream went to the concert. It was a blast to get to see Sonia perform some of her best songs. The concert was outdoors, and while Sonia performed her song "Try Everything", which was Tails and Cream's favorite song by her, Tails extended a hand out and asked Cream to dance with him. Cream didn't know how to dance, but just for the fun of it, she did her best to dance with Tails while they heard Sonia sing her song.

I won't give up, no I won't give in

Till I reach the end, and I'll start again

Now I'm on the lead,

I wanna try everything

I wanna try even though I could fail

When the concert was over, Tails and Cream started to head out, holding hands and smiling.

"Thanks for tonight, Tails," said Cream.

"You're welcome," Tails said, smiling.

"I just got a question: was this... a date?" asked Cream.

Tails looked away as he blushed and said, "Yeah..." nervously.

Cream blushed as well, but she smiled and said, "Well, I had a lot of fun, and thank you for taking me to the concert."

Tails smiled again and said, "You're welcome. And Cream... I just wanted you to know that... I like you a lot..."

"I know. I like you a lot to," said Cream.

"Y-you know?"

"I just had the sense that you liked me. When you defended me from Gerald, when you refused to leave me behind when Sticks chased us, when you opened up to me about your past, when you were worried about me after we escaped the asylum, and when you took the risk of staying behind to help me when Sally tried to get us. All the time we spent together was the best, and I started to sense that you liked me as more than a friend," said Cream.

Tails blushed again. "So... do you like me in return?"

"Like you in return? Tails, I love you. I know we had a rough start, but as we worked on the case, I realized that you were my friend, and when I hurt your feelings by accident and I saw you leave, I realized that I liked you as more than that. When Sally was attacking more predators, I prayed that I wouldn't see you on the screen as one of the predators she darted. I was relieved when I never saw your face in the news, but I still missed you. When I figured out that someone was targeting predators, my first thought was to find you. I knew I couldn't do it without you, and I even wanted you with me so that I could find out who it was and protect you from them," Cream explained.

Tails smiled again. "Cream... I'm... I'm flattered. I thought you only cared about me as a friend and a partner in the EPD. I never knew you had these feelings for me," he said.

Cream gave him a kiss on the cheek. She smiled again and said, "Well, I do have these feelings for you."

Tails blushed and smiled. "And... I was wondering if... if you'd like to move in with me. I know how cruddy and small your apartment is, and I would like you out of there. If you want to move in with me, I'd be happy to let you stay. You could stay in the guest room, if you want to take it steady."

Cream took his hand gently and smiled at him again. "I'll be happy that I'm with you Tails," she said.

Tails and Cream smiled again. They leaned forward and shared a kiss on the lips. Once they pulled apart, they walked back to Tails's apartment, holding hands.

The end

(NOTE: I don't own the song. It belongs to Disney)

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