Chapter 7

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After investigating the asylum and collecting evidence on what happened to the missing Mobians, Cream called the rest of the EPD, and they came in to arrest Storm, Shade, and the timber wolves who were the guards of the asylum. Since the missing Mobians were still acting strange, there were being taken to a hospital in the city, that way they could go through treatment and their family members could know that they were found.

As Shadow and Cream led Storm and Shade to police cars, Storm started pleading a case, but not to save himself and Shade, but about the Mobians he imprisoned.

"You don't understand! I was trying to protect the city!" he pleaded.

"No. You were just trying to protect your job!" said Cream.

"No, you don't understand! We still don't know why this has been happening! This could destroy Emeraldtopia!" he said.

Shadow and Cream didn't listen to him. They made him and Shade get into police cars to be taken to the prison.

The following morning, the press arrived at the police station to interview Shadow and Cream. Sally Acorn, who became the new mayor after Storm was arrested, was also there.

While Shadow was doing his half of the interview and answering questions the press had, Tails and Cream were hanging out by the front desk, out of camera view.

"Oh, I'm a little nervous..." said Cream.

"Okay, here's what you do for press conferences: answer their question by making a question of your own. For example: 'Officer Cream, was this case hard?' 'Was it hard? Why yes. Yes it was.' You got it?" said Tails.

Cream giggled and nodded her head.

"You were my partner, you should be up there with me," she told him.

"Thanks, but I'm not a cop like you. I shouldn't be allowed up there," said Tails.

"Well, that reminds me of something," said Cream.

"What?" asked Tails.

She pulled out a paper and said, "Well, Tails, I... I really liked you being my partner during the case, and you've become a real friend to me during this whole thing. I was wondering if... if you'd like to be my partner and sign up to join the EPD."

She handed him the paper, and Tails looked at the paperwork. He was a bit shocked to see that Cream would tell him all this.

"You... you consider me a friend?" he asked, blushing a bit.

"Yeah. Well, it's up to you if you want to sing up and be my partner. And in case you do, here's a pen for you to write with," said Cream.

She handed him the pen that she used to record his tax evasion confession. Tails was even more surprised.

'She... she trusts me. And she really is my friend,' he thought, as he smiled.

"Officer Cream, it's your turn to speak," Sally told Cream.

"Okay," said Cream. She quickly told Tails, "I'll be back in a bit."

Cream followed Sally up to the podium and stood in front of the microphones. A lot of cameras flashed as she stood up there.

"Officer Cream, what can you tell us about the Mobians?" asked one news reporter.

"The Mobians? Well uh they..." said Cream.

She saw Tails standing in the background, and he was motioning her to try out the technique he just told her.

"Are they all different species? Yes. Yes they are," she said.

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