Chapter 6

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Over at city hall, Mayor Storm was heading out of the building. His assistant mayor, Sally Acorn, followed him, and she was carrying a tone of paperwork and folders.

"Sir, we're supposed to go through this paperwork!" said Sally.

"I'm sorry Sally, but I have to take care of something that came up. Just do as much as you can handle, and I'll help you when I return," said Storm.

Sally sighed sadly and said, "Okay..."

Storm left the building, but after he left, Sally accidentally tripped and dropped all of the paperwork.

"Urrr! Just great..." she muttered angrily.

She started to pick up the papers, but Tails and Cream arrived. They helped her pick up her papers. Sally thanked them, and when they were finished, Cream asked her if Sally could help them get into the camera database.

They needed to get into the camera database to look at what happened with Sticks when she suddenly went berserk and tried to attack them like a wild animal, and vanished before they could show Chief Shadow.

Sally brought them into her office, or rather the boiler room, and turned on her computer. She turned on the computer and got the camera system set up for them.

"Just let me know if you guys need anything else. I've got some stuff to work on for the mayor," she told them, smiling at them.

"We will. Thank you, Sally," said Cream.

Sally headed out of the room. After she was gone, Tails and Cream checked out the camera footage from the rainforest district when the chase took place. Shortly after they fell out of view, and after Sticks was chained, they saw a black, armored truck appear. Two wolves came out and had guns pointed at Sticks.

"Who are they?" asked Cream.

Tails sighed in disgust and said, "Urgh! Timber wolves. I bet you a nickel one of them will howl..."

As if on que, one of them howled. The second one howled. After they howled, the wolves fired their guns. Instead of shooting Sticks dead, nets came out, and captured the jungle badger. Tails and Cream watched as the wolves dragged Sticks into the armored car and started to leave.

"Man, what is up with wolves and howling?" said Tails.

"Howling... You think they might be the Night Howlers that Sticks told us about?" said Cream.

"Yeah! It's gotta be! And if they took Sticks, that means they took Jet to!" said Tails.

"All we have to do, is follow them," said Cream.

She clicked on different camera angles to keep an eye on the truck as it left the district, but after leaving the rainforest district via tunnel, the truck was gone.

"Wait, where'd they go?" asked Cream.

"Let me show you," said Tails.

He took over the keyboard and mouse and clicked on a few things on the computer screen.

"Most people who want to avoid detection in this area would use this maintenance tunnel, and it would drop them off... here!" said Tails.

The screen shifted to a new camera that showed where the truck was now, going down and old road that was leaving the city.

"You're pretty skilled with this stuff. You know, you'd make a pretty good cop," Cream complemented Tails.

Tails blushed, but he didn't look at Cream to hide it.

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