"Love letter to my body"

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"Love Letter to My Body"

Dear me...

I'm sorry to my eyes,

I am so sorry for the things I've put you through.

For letting you see things that still give me nightmares..

For not closing my eyes,

when I knew the one I loved was in their last moments.

For all of the things a child should have never seen...

All the nights where my eyes would ache,

And I'd restlessly attempt to cry myself to sleep.

I'm sorry to my ears,

for all the things I've heard.

Fights that a child should never have heard.

For the words and insults that I've had thrown at me.

For the sound of my own cries echoing through my own head;

and I'm sorry for listening to on replay,

The time he told me

that he never really loved me.

I'm sorry to my mind,

for all of the thoughts i have had;

In regards of things I almost did to myself...

And for all the times,

I let my thoughts slip into a depression,

that only loomed over my happiness;

keeping me in a state of hurt.

And I'm sorry to my body,

for the things I've done.

The times I tried to make a fatal art on my shoulders,

And the times I threw myself into something I knew would hurt.

Like being sucked under the water,

and knowing I couldn't get back to the surface on my own.

And to my heart...

I am so so sorry for breaking you




I am sorry for letting love slip through the cracks,

and the joy run like water through my fingers...

So to my body,

I am so sorry for the things I have done...

But thank you for staying strong.

I'm thankful for my heart still beating,

my lungs still breathing,

My eyes still seeing,

my ears still hearing,

and that my mind,

is still trying to find the light...

This is my love letter...

Thank you for sticking strong with me...

And I hope it'll stay that way,

until the bitter end.


With love,


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