• twenty-nine

577 22 2

harry || louis


Louis' Point of View

Harry had been drinking a lot for the past few days and that was really starting to worry me. I had never seen him like this— dull and lacking any feelings. At least, that's how I saw him every time he got out of his room. That was another thing, he spent most of the day locked up in his room, with sad music playing loudly.

I realized, after I managed to get a hold of Harry's phone and call Niall, that they had gotten in some fight due to Harry being pissed because Niall has a boyfriend. I swear, Niall was so oblivious. It's clear that Harry was jealous and just wants Niall for himself, even though they've never met.

But the looks aren't all that matter, and I knew that Harry knew that.

"Harry!" I call out, standing up from my position on the couch, deciding that I would make him talk to Niall. I'd force him if needed, and with Harry's stubbornness, I knew I was going to have to.

He was up in his room, and I could hear the faint soft music playing when I pressed my ear against the closed door. Suddenly, I heard a thump followed by Harry yelling, "I should be the one in his place!"

Didn't take a genius to figure out what he was talking about.

"Harry," I called. "Can you stop wallowing and actually talk to Niall? He misses you, Haz. And I'm sure that you miss him, too."

"Louis," Harry sniffed, with the door still a barrier. "He doesn't miss me because he has a boyfriend. He's probably out with him... hugging him and kissing him and laughing with him."

I pinched the area between my eyes and let out a sigh. I loved Harry, he was my best friend but sometimes he was such an idiot. "I spoke with Niall and he said he misses you. He doesn't know what he did wrong and he's wondering why you're ignoring him. Talk to him, Harry."



"I think I'm gay," Harry said softly, hesitantly. I smiled, already knowing that he liked boys— well, Niall.

"That's okay, Harry. I'll always be your friend and whoever doesn't accept you for who you are, fuck them. Not literally fuck them th—"

I'm cut off my Harry's deep chuckle, "I know what you mean. And thank you for being my friend no matter what. I appreciate it, Louis."

"Damn right you do. Now go talk to Niall and tell him how you feel about him."

"Wait, I never said I liked him—!"

I roll my eyes, walking away from Harry's room. "I may be dumb, but I'm not oblivious."




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