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School was back in the next day. To most classes at UA Academy today was just a regular day but for class 1-A it wasn't. Today was the day that they came up with their hero code names.

It was honestly one of the most important thing as a hero in my opinion. It was an important day in the hero classes, for all grades, but I'm surprised that so many internship requests came in for a first year class. There was an insane amount of requests for two students and a decent amount for some others.

The number on the board were very impressive. I had never seen or even heard of such a huge gap in offers before though. I mean yeah, Todoroki and Katsuki were outstandingly impressive but damn. I didn't even get that many when I was in school.

Aizawa was talking to the class about the internships as I sat on my little seat cushion that I held up with my quirk. My headphones sat on my head playing through a playlist of kpop music today. The music blocked out all of the sounds in the class as I floated relatively high up near the front of the class.

Thank god for those high ceilings.

My thoughts ran wild as I looked at the numbers displayed on the board again. I can still remember my internships crystal clear. I was one of the rare students that got to intern each year.

Lucky me, I know.

My first year was with Best Jeanist. He was very interesting to say the least. Best Jeanist is an amazing hero and an even greater man. His quirk is very unique and very versatile. He tried so hard to get me to open up to the public and just in general when I interned under him. I was also the youngest person to ever get an internship considering I was only twelve at the time.

However I did learn so much from Best Jeanist. I learned what it meant to be a real hero from him. All the politics of hero work, which is odd to learn at such a young age. But I don't regret learning from him. Hell there are still times I drop in to see the denim clad man. He was kinda like an older brother figure for me that school year. Even if what he was trying to help me with didn't really kick in till I was older he was an amazing mentor and a good role model for me to look up to during my first year of high school. It really helped having him there for me, especially since I was so young at the time.

Man it is kinda odd thinking that five years ago I was in the same position as my students. Sitting here in this exact class room, picking my hero name for my very first internship... it was so long ago but feels like it was yesterday. I remember it so clearly...

I just wish that maybe my time in school would of been better. More like what the students here in class 1-A have. They are all so close and friendly, besides a certain firecracker, with each other.

My thoughts drifted off again as my mind bounced around.

In my second year at UA I interned under the amazing space hero, Thirteen. They were simply amazing to study under. Thirteen didn't try to get me to open up like Best Jeanist did and they weren't such an emotion support like the denim clad hero was. However, Thirteen didn't need to be. I learned how to save lives for the first time under them. How to actually use my quirks to save a life. All my life I trained on just how to control and use my quirks. I was trained on how not to kill someone and to properly use my powers so not to have a repeat from when I was younger. But Thirteen showed me how to save a life. It was the first time in all my training I was shown how to actually help someone else.

Honestly that is probably my favorite internship. It brought so much light to my dark world. I was in a dark place with my quirk at the time. I hated how I could control people and mess with someone's mind. Then Thirteen who has double edged sword of a quirk showed me how I could take something bad and harmful and turn it into something good.

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