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Daveon walked downstairs having given the excuse of needing another beer, shaking his head at the idea that there was anyone in the world annoying enough to run him off when Call of Duty was available. Knowing his boy as well as he did, he doubted this chick was going to be around much longer. It was clear that Antonio was already irritated with her when they'd picked him up after dinner and Dave suspected it was only his ingrained southern hospitality that kept him from going off on her after she'd been so rude to Alexis. Lex. Whatever.

Just as his foot hit the bottom stair he heard something that immediately snapped his thoughts away from his best friend's woman problems. If he didn't know better he'd be sure he'd just heard someone say the word orgasm. Damn, those girls must be pretty drunk by now. They'd been well on their way to toasted earlier this evening. Even Alexis seemed to have cut loose. Shit. Lex.

Well, loose for her, which wasn't actually saying a whole lot since she was usually pretty uptight. He couldn't even remember the last time she'd joked with him like she had tonight. Coming from someone like Kayla that sucking dick comment would have just made him laugh. But there was something about those words falling from Alexis's sweet, innocent-looking lips that knocked the breath out of him and made his mouth go dry. The sudden mental image of those same lips sucking his dick like a pro hadn't helped the situation any.

He chuckled, remembering how he'd stammered an unintelligible response and rushed from the room before his dick got too hard to risk standing up. Fortunately thirty seconds in a room with Antonio's future ex-girlfriend had gotten rid of that little problem for him. But now it seemed he might be up for more trouble. Without even realizing what he was doing he moved closer to the living room door to see if he could hear what they were saying.

"...not like I'm a freak or anything, stop looking at me like that."

His lips twitched into an unconscious smile when he heard Alexis's voice sounding husky and slightly slurred. Lex. Fuck it—she'd always be Alexis to him. If it bothered her, tough shit.

"But you've been going out with Trey for like three months, haven't you?"

Interesting. Alexis had a boyfriend.

"Yeah, almost."

"And in all that time he hasn't hit the right buttons, not even once?"


Hold on, were they talking about what he thought they were talking about?

"You guys are actually fucking, right?" Kayla's sarcastic voice was twice as loud as the other two.

Maybe he shouldn't be hearing this. No, he definitely shouldn't be hearing this, but no way was he walking away now. Not until she answered that question, anyway.

"Well, I did make him wait for it, but if you look in your messages under October 24th I'm sure you'll find the text I sent you like ten minutes after we consummated our relationship."

He heard Shanice's giggle. "It was all caps and had like fifteen exclamation points. I just assumed it must have been good if you were that excited."

"Just because I didn' know...doesn't mean it wasn't good."

"Yeah, it does," both the other girls said in unison.

Dave couldn't help but agree with them.

"I'm having a really hard time with this," Kayla continued. "The idea of fucking a nigga for almost two months and never once having an orgasm just does not make sense to me. What's the point?"

"It's not like sex is the most important part of a relationship."

"It ranks pretty damn high on the list. And it's kind of like a test for the rest of your relationship, you know? Like, if he doesn't care enough to make the effort to get you there, what the fuck kind of man is he?"

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