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I was way too excited about going over to Dave's house that night but I couldn't help it. The idea of having the whole evening to ourselves, taking our time, not worrying about who might see or hear us, was enough to have me whimpering in anticipation. God, my insides turned to jelly just thinking about the things he did to me. I had no idea it could be like that and we weren't even having sex.

Of course it hadn't taken long for me to change my mind about that rule. The first night, in fact, I'd realized I was going to have to break it. I didn't say anything because there was just something embarrassing about giving in so soon, but if he could make me feel that good with just his fingers and his mouth, I, I needed to know what sex with him would be like. Unfortunately we hadn't had much of a chance to be alone together since then, so I hadn't told him. Yet.

My face got hot just thinking about it, but he'd made it clear he wanted me to tell him what I wanted so I was going to tell him and I wasn't going to act all embarrassed about it when I did. I'd just have to fake the confidence I didn't feel. It was actually pretty easy to pretend not to be shy with him, since nothing I did seemed to shock or disturb him. In fact, he seemed to get off on the things that would normally embarrass me most.

I'd never been so mortified and aroused at the same time as I was earlier when he asked me to go to my room and...well. Doing something like that in the broad daylight, knowing he was sitting in the next room perfectly aware of what I was doing...God, just thinking about it had me trembling. But I'd never made myself feel so good before, reaching for those heights I knew now I could get to, and moaning his name over and over into a pillow I pressed to my face to keep quiet.

And then the way he looked at me afterward when I pressed that third finger to his lips nearly drove me right back over the edge again. He looked surprised, incredibly turned on I thought he might push me up against the wall and just fuck me right there on the spot. I giggled to myself at the thought that I might have let him, even with Antonio ten feet away through an open door.

That was the other thing that gave me the courage to tell him. He so clearly wanted it, too. I could see it in his eyes every time he looked at me. And tonight was our chance. I shivered in nervous anticipation and wondered what on earth I was going to do with myself in the hours until it was time to leave.

I was a confused mix of nerves and excitement when I showed up at his house later that night. The expression on Dave's face when he answered the door was enough to make my mind go blank—the confident smirk and dark look in his eyes telling me that he was just as excited as I was to have me all to himself. He hooked a finger in the waistband of my jeans and pulled me into the house as he pushed the door closed.

"I'm gonna make you scream," he said, his voice so low and full of promise that I shivered in his arms and completely forgot my carefully planned out script.

He had done it, too. He teased me for ages, kissing me all over my body as he slowly undressed me, then proceeded to bring me to the edge of climax over and over, ignoring first my pleas then my curses when he left me hanging every time.

Finally, with my body strung so tight it felt like a bow string about to snap, he pushed me over the edge and sent me hurtling into a mind-blowing orgasm. It felt like it went on forever with his mouth never letting up and his fingers deep inside me, pushing me back up every time I started to come down.

My throat was hoarse by the time I caught my breath so despite the fact that I didn't remember screaming, I believed him when he chuckled and arrogantly whispered, "Told ya" in my ear.

It was amazing, but it only solidified my desire for more. As I drifted down from the heights all I could think about was wrapping my legs around his hips and feeling him sink deep inside me. My breath came short again at the mere thought of it and before I even realized what I was doing I spoke.

Just a Game » Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now