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"Bro, you are not on your game tonight."

"Sorry. I never even saw that sniper."

"It's cool. You're fortunate enough to be playing with me and I'm good enough for both of us."

"You better keep your ego in check or I'll shoot you myself."

"Yeah, yeah."

Daveon tried to focus on the game, but he was having hard time. His eyes kept dropping to the bite mark on his hand where a bruise was already appearing behind the teeth marks. Every time he saw it he thought about that moment when Alexis lost it in his arms. Then he'd get all hot and his dick would start throbbing in his pants. And then he'd feel guilty again.

He really hadn't meant to do it. Like he told her, he'd just seen her there in the kitchen, that sweater clinging to her curves, her cute little socked feet carelessly resting in third position as she stood at the sink washing dishes. She looked miserable, her shoulders slumped and her head down. She hadn't even looked up at him when he came in. And he'd remembered the resignation in her voice when she told her friends there must be something wrong with her.

No, he didn't regret it and despite the guilt he knew that given half a chance he'd do it again. And more. He could show her how to get what she wanted from a nigga even if he didn't know how to give it to her. He could make her see that it was alright to make noise, to let her body squirm in pleasure, to ask for exactly what she wanted. And it certainly wouldn't hurt if in the process he'd get to run his hands over all that smooth brown skin, kiss those soft full lips, taste that silky wetness between her legs...

Damn. He glanced over at Antonio nervously, but he was too involved in shooting their way out of an ambush to notice Dave's sudden discomfort. He was walking a fine line though. And really, there was no point getting himself worked up about it since she was clearly pissed at him and not likely to take him up on his offer.

Oddly enough he couldn't bring himself to feel guilty about eavesdropping. The conversation had been partly about him after all. The Dick. He felt a twinge of irritation and decided that if Alexis ever talked to him again he was going to ask her about that shit. And he didn't feel guilty on her account for what they'd done, she'd obviously enjoyed it. The guilt was about Antonio. He wouldn't understand. He'd see it as a betrayal of his trust, assume Dave was just trying to get laid. That really wasn't what it was about though.

Was it?

No. Definitely not. He honestly hadn't been thinking about getting anything for himself out of it. Okay, so laying his hands on her beautiful body was a definite plus. And he couldn't deny the ego boost he got from knowing he'd been able to give her something no other nigga had. But mostly he'd just wanted to make her feel better—prove to her that there was nothing wrong with her. Mission accomplished.

So why couldn't he stop thinking about what else he wanted to do with her?

"Alright bro, I give up. We're getting slaughtered here."

"Sorry man, I can't seem to get my head in the game."

Antonio ended the game without saving it and stood up to stretch. "Did you drive all the way back this afternoon?"

"Yeah, and I was up late last night."

"So what happened? I thought you were supposed to spend Christmas with your mom."

"They called me in for overtime at the warehouse."

"No wonder you're fried. That's what you get for going to work after graduation instead of college like me."

Just a Game » Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now