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I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked toward my dorm. A call had come in an hour ago, but I'd been in the middle of dance practice and this was the first chance I'd had to look at my phone. I was so surprised to see Antonio's number that I called him back immediately, slightly worried that something was wrong.

"Hey Lex, how's it going?" 

His casual tone set my mind at ease. "I'm alright, how are you? Is Emory kicking your ass yet?"

"Not for lack of trying. I'm doing alright so far though. I just had to give up hoping for anything resembling a social life."

"Turning into a bookworm already?"

"Pretty much. A couple weeks ago was the first time I went anywhere other than class or the library. I ran into Shanice and she made me go out to dinner with her."

"That sounds cool," I said, trying not to let the smile show in my voice. Shanice had sent me an enthusiastic series of texts letting me know about the dinner as it was happening, but I wasn't going to give my best friend away.

"It was. Shanice's a trip, we had a good time. But look, I was calling because I wanted to ask you a favor."

"What's that?"

"I have to go to a wedding at home the weekend of the 14th and I thought you might want to go with me."

"Seriously? The great and powerful Antonio Johnson can't get a date to a wedding?"

"I told you I have no life. Please? I figured you might like an excuse to come home for the weekend. I'll even come pick you up if you need a ride."

"Fine. Wait, which weekend? The 14th? That's Valentine's Day."

"Yeah, so? You got big plans or something?"

"No, but you could pretend to think it's a possibility just to make me feel better."

He laughed and the sound brought a bright grin to my face. It felt like we were finally getting back to normal after the craziness of the holiday break. I wondered if he and Dave had made their peace yet, but didn't want to give the impression I was milking him for information.

"Alright, so assuming you don't get a hot date in the meantime I'll see you weekend after next?"

"Yeah, sounds good. I'll call you about the ride."

"Cool. Thanks Lex, I owe you."

"Yeah you do. Bye Antonio."


As the weekend approached I had mixed feelings. I was looking forward to seeing my family, but spending Valentine's Day as my brother's date seemed kind of lame. Not that Valentine's Day was all that big a deal for me usually, but this year I was feeling particularly lonely and vulnerable. I hadn't had enough time to get over what had happened with Dave and my emotions were still a little raw.

I was beginning to wonder if there would ever be enough time to get over him. I'd finally put his shirt away in a drawer, once I realized that I creeping myself out by continuing to sleep with it. I drew the line at washing it though, that would get rid of his smell.

Once word got out in my circle of friends that me and Trey had split up I'd been asked out several times. I'd even gone on a couple of dates and had fun, but it never went further than that. Despite my efforts I couldn't help comparing the guys to Dave and they just didn't measure up. It didn't seem fair to myself or them to keep seeing them when I knew I wasn't really into them.

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