Chapter 2

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The clock was ticking loudly in the back of the room. I glance at it for what seems like the fifth time in a minute. 9:54. A minute until first period is over.

At the other side of the room, I see Jess look at the clock, then at me. I smile and she smiles back. English had gone by quickly, one of the few classes that seniors were required to take. I sighed and tapped the tip of my pencil against the desk as I counted down the seconds till the bell rings.

It's finally sounds out and almost every single student is up in a flash. I feel Jess's arm hook around mine as she pulls me along quickly.

"Calm down!" I say and giggle, and look at her perfect face. My thoughts go back to what happened before first period. She has a determined look in her eye as she pulls me through the hall. "What was it with that guy this morning?" I ask curiously, "It kinda seemed like you two know each other?"

"I don't," She said quickly, "Besides, you seemed quite bewitched by him." She was right, any other guy I wouldn't have even glanced at. This boy was different, with his cheekbones, and his light blonde hair, and his eyes, like the sea...

"Hannah?" I heard my name called and snapped out of my daze. I looked up at my best friend, who had a concerned look on her face.

"Sorry," I mumble, "He's alright." Alright? What was I saying!? He was a grade A hottie! Snap out of it Hannah! I look back at Jess and realize she was talking.

"-not even that cute. I don't know why the whole school is so obsessed with him!" She looked back down at my confused face and sighed, "Oh no! Not you too!?" Before I can deny anything, we are again attacked by Maggie.

"Oh.My.God!" She says, breathing heavily, "He's in my first period! Can you believe it?"

"Inhaler!" I remind her and she quickly nods, taking out her inhaler and using it. Jess and I wait a few seconds as she catches her breath.

"His name is Sebastian! Isn't that so hot!?" I take her arm and try to calm her down. What was it with this guy? I mean, yeah, he was pretty cute, but why was the school so obsessed?

"Come on Maggie, let's get to second period before we're late," I sigh and start to pull her along to the auditorium for theater class.

"I'll catch up with you guys," I hear Jess say and look back to see her walking away with a determined gate.

• • •

I glance at the door with worry as the late bell rings, Jess would be counted tardy for second period. Suddenly, the doors open and I see her there, and at her side is Sebastian.

"Miss Smith," our theater teacher, Mr. Fredrick, says, "You're late. And this must be the famous Sebastian Alexopoulos."

Theater class was either something you take seriously and join because you want to be an actor, like Jess, or a class you chose because there's no homework, like Maggie. Mr. Fredrick was a pudgy old man who wanted to be a star in his younger days, but now he teaches acting to a bunch of hormonal teens.

"Alexopoulos?" I hear Maggie mutter next to me, "He doesn't look Greek."

"That's my fault," He says with a clear voice, "She was helping me find my locker." Of course, Jess was sinking her claws into the newest hot guy.

"Well," Mr. Fredrick sighed, "I suppose I can allow it to slide just this once, but don't make a habit of it! Find a seat."

Jess quickly sat beside me while Sebastian took his spot a few rows behind us. Everyone in theater class looked back at him and the very annoyed Mr. Fredrick coughed to get our attention.

"Ahem, as you all know, today is the first day of tryouts for our spring play, Romeo and Juliet." I was suddenly reminded that today was the first day of tryouts, not that it affected me, I was in stagecraft. But Jess was obsessed and would not rest until she was cast as Juliet. I was sure she would get it, but today I was distracted by the thought of the strange boy just a few rows behind me. I had to force myself to not look back.

Second period went by fairly quickly, I helped Jess prepare for her audition(while Maggie made goo goo eyes at pretty boy), which would be tomorrow as the guys trying out for Romeo would be going first. Jess knew all of Juliet's lines already so I just listened to her whisper the words as boy after boy stepped onto the stage and tried out for the lead male role. I couldn't help but notice that Sebastian stayed firmly planted in his seat and I couldn't help but wonder if he was going to try out. Of course no, pretty boy's just going to sit back and get his easy A.

"Hannah," Jess hissed at me, snapping me out of my daze. Oh god, I had been thinking about him, why couldn't I stop thinking about him. Do most girls think about guys this often or is this unhealthy?

"Sorry," I said and refocused on helping her prepare for her audition. She shot a glare behind me and it made me worry that she knew what I was thinking about. I glanced back, just for a second and saw that Sebastian was looking at us with an arrogant smirk on his face. I shuddered and looked at my phone for the time. 11:00. I would have to stay in this room with him for another 20 minutes!? This was suffocating!

"He's totally into you Hannah," Maggie says, again distracting me. Jess, very annoyed that she was being interrupted, sighed and we both shot Maggie a glare.

I shook my head and sighed, "He's not Maggie, and you think he's so cute, why don't you go talk to him?" This got her to be quiet, though she did continue to stare.

I kept glancing over my shoulder at Sebastian, who was now just grinning cheekily at me, as if he could read my thoughts. The nerve of that boy! Eventually it became too much and I excused myself to the bathroom. As soon as I was out, I felt like a weight was lifted off my chest.

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