Chapter 15

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We sat at a large table, a feast laid out in front of us. My father had many servants that tended to him, constantly pouring him more ambrosia and bringing out more plates of food.

Every time I finished a plate of food he would insist I eat more. He'd say I was too skinny and that it wouldn't be right for him to not properly feed his guests. I relented and picked at my third plate of food.

He would ask me things like what grade I was in and how school was going. I told him that I wanted to go to the University of Michigan and get a degree in phycology. I've always wanted to help people and I've never forgotten what my therapist did for me after my mother's death.

Unfortunately, he didn't seem impressed with my career path.

"Surely you want more than that?" He pushed as he took another bite from his plate.

"Well yeah, I guess," I say and shrug, "That's only if I can get into college, I don't really know what else I'd do."

I watched a server pour more ambrosia into my glass, thanking her quietly.

"You could always come work for me," he offers nonchalantly. I nearly gag on my drink.

"For real?" I sputter out, "I mean, what would I do?" I knew that Cupid and Alex worked for Aphrodite and I think Jess was planning on it, but I didn't really know what they did.

"Well, you would run errands and set up meetings," he lists, "Help me write letters or make big decisions, and you could train, become stronger. Then when I'm gone, hopefully retired, serve who comes after me."

I tilted my head slightly in consideration before nodding. I could see him brighten a little before I say, "I'll have to consider it, I still have another semester of school after all."

I glanced at Jess and Cupid, seeing them both appear disappointed at my hesitance, I feel a little nervous. Surely my decision wouldn't change much, after all, I'd basically be an intern. I look back down at my half eaten plate and suppress a small groan at how full I am. Maybe he was the god of feasts or something? If so I don't think I could ever work for him. I would probably explode.

"Well, Jessica has decided to come work for me," Aphrodite mentions, "In June, she'll take her oath of service." Jess beams proudly as my father congratulates her.

"What's an oath of service?" I ask, it obviously was a big deal to them, "Is it like a baptism or something."

My father chuckles a little at my question, "A baptism? No the oath actually does something besides make you look like a drowned rat."

"The oath of service is a vow to honor, protect, and obey our chosen god forever," Cupid explains, "The oath must be taken on your eighteenth birthday as pee custom."

"Chosen god?" I ask, "Does that that mean I could choose any god I want?" I notice the way that they stiffen slight, perhaps it was a sore subject.

"Theoretically, yes," Cupid answers, "If they'll have you, but it could be considered disrespectful to not honor your parent. Choosing usually refers to when two gods have a child."

"But that hasn't happened since Eros, has it?" Alex said, receiving more than one stern look from the table, but she didn't stop, "His father was Zeus, but he chose to serve our mother instead."

"Oh, well I bet Zeus wasn't very happy about that," I say, only met with uncomfortable silence.

"Yes," my father says after a few seconds, holding Aphrodite gaze for a moment too long, "I believe he was."

•    •    •

We finished our meal quite quickly after that, the tension was nearly palpable. I couldn't help but notice the way that they would all subtlety glance at me. Well they were trying.

That's something I've always been good at, knowing when people are telling the truth, or maybe people are just bad liars. I used to demand the truth from them, like a child demanding to touch hot coals, but I soon found that sometimes the truth is best kept a secret.

This was a secret that I wanted to know, but I had the feeling that finding out was the surest way to get burned.

"I wish to speak to you in private, Hannah," my father said as we exit the dining hall.

I glances at the others. Noticing their encouraging looks, especially from Jess, I agree. We break apart from the group and start to walk down the hall.

"I want to apologize, Hannah."

My shock was visible on my face, "For what?"

He looked a little uncomfortable, unsure maybe.

"For not being able to save her," he said, "Your mother, I mean."

My heart clenched a little, my breathing tightened. I gulped before answering, "It wasn't your fault."

"No, It was," he said insistently.

I stopped walking and turned to face him as he stopped as well. "But that man, he hurt her, not you-"

"Hannah let me explain," he interrupts and sighs, "Please?"

I huff and nod.

"I should have been there for you both, but your mother insisted that you have a normal human life," he said.

"Then why did you leave? She couldn't make you, you're a god!" I ask.

"Hannah you said you would let me explain," he sighs, "I loved your mother, very much. So when she said she wanted to raise you as a human, I let her."

"And the apartment? Why didn't you help at least? We were barely surviving!" I could feel the buzz in my hands, static crackling at my finger tips, but this time I wasn't afraid

"Your mother was very... independent," he sighs. I guess it made sense, I never knew my aunt or my grandparents before the attack because she didn't want them trying to help her. She completely closed herself off from them.

"Can we go back to the group now?" I ask hopefully, I really wasn't enjoying this conversation.

"Just a little longer," he says, "I want to show you something." He take my hand and pulls me a little further down the hall, stopping outside a large set of doors. He motions me forward.

I was curious, so I complied and pushed the heavy doors open. The room was beautiful, a lot like the rest of the house. The deep blue bedsheets looked soft on the tall four post bed made of dark strong wood. Curtains of the same blue shade framed a set of French doors. Fresh blue hyacinths perched inside ceramic vases about the room. I couldn't help but think that whoever designed this took great care to style it.

There was a large terrace with a great view of the mountains. The rocky slopes that dipped into churning green seas of life and a city that seemed to nestle into the protective hug of the mountainside. Clouds seemed to shrink back, allowing sun to kiss the tops of the vegetation, and provide cool shade to the creatures of nature. A perfect balance of life on Earth.

It's beautiful here.

"It is," my father's voice interrupts my thoughts. Had I said that out loud? He continued, "That is why I have had it furnished for you."

"This is your bedroom."

•    •    •

1237 Words

Originally Published 2-11-19

Sorry for the break.

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