Chapter 7

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I felt a familiar ache in the back of my head as I came back to consciousness. I felt weak, drained of all energy. Beneath me, I felt the cushion of some couch or bed. All around me I heard unfamiliar voices.

"It was not her time yet," a smooth female voice said. There was something about this voice that sounds familiar.

"I had no choice." I knew this voice! It was Sebastian, I was still with him! The memories flooded back, I remembered the broken glass and the panic in his eyes. Was this real? Or a dream?

I flexed my muscles and peeled my tired eyes open, it took a minute to adjust to the light. I had so many questions, Sebastian was going to answer them. I let out a low groan at the throbbing pain in my head. Sebastian and the woman went quiet as I slowly sat up and looked up at them.

Next to Sebastian stood a young woman who looked almost exactly like Jessica. If I didn't know better I would assume she was Jess's older sister. Her honey blonde hair spilled over her shoulders and she seemed to hold herself with authority by the way she looked at Sebastian.

Sebastian crouched next to me as I glanced around the room. It was a large living room, a Victorian theme very prevalent with large velvet lounging sofas, like the one I now laid upon. A fire was going in the fireplace, its warmth licking my skin as it flickered. I looked back at Sebastian, his eyes teaming with concern. My breath caught in my throat at the way the shadows fell on his angular face.

"Hannah?" He said quietly, "Are you alright?" I tear myself away from his gaze and look back down, taking in a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"My head..." I wince and gulp. My gaze goes behind him to the Jess look alike who was by the fireplace. Her expression was set in a scowl, but even so she was beautiful.

"Sorry about that, it should fade," he said quietly, "I can't decide if I'm glad you're awake." His comment was grim, even though it was meant to lighten the mood. So it wasn't just a dream, he knew I was going to berate him with questions.

"What happened? I remember someone had broken into your house..." I mumble and sigh in exhaustion. Sebastian seemed to pick up on this and used it as an excuse to avoid my question.

"Why don't you rest a little while longer, an hour should be long enough to recover. I'll get you some water," He says and stands back up. I watched him leave through one of the two doors, the other was open to what looked like a front hall. Glancing back towards the fireplace, I realized the woman was still here. Sebastian had not told me her name.

"I know you are not an idiot, child," she said in her smooth voice, "but I am surprised to find you here." Child? Who was she calling a child? Surely we were no more than a few years apart at best.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I ask, her words intriguing me.

"Only, that I expected much more resistance from you," she explains. Why does everyone speak in such a cryptic way!?

"Resistance? Resistance to what?" Who was this woman? Why had Sebastian come here instead of go to the police?

The woman simply gave me an amused look and shook her head. "So, you truly know nothing?" She said, seeming equally intrigued by me as I was confused by her. I wanted to ask more, seeing as she wasn't shying away from my questions, but Sebastian returned with a glass of water.

I took a sip once he handed it to me and felt it run smooth and cool down my throat. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was. The woman and Sebastian watched as I gulped down the water quickly.

"Hannah," he says finally, "this is my sister, Alex." She nodded to me and sat down on the sofa across from me. I nod back and look up at Sebastian. Not wanting to distract myself, I keep my gaze away from his eyes.

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