Chapter 3

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I ate my lunch quietly as I listened to Maggie groan about the Pre Calculus test she had next period. It was a small school, so everyone ate lunch at the same time. I munched on smilie fries and took sips from my carton of milk. Jess sat beside me and study for the test as well.

I looked down at the pages of my textbook, but couldn't seem to focus, I didn't have the test till forth period and I had a free period next, so I figured I would just study then.

My thoughts wandered and I soon found them back on Sebastian, this was torture.

"Hannah," I heard Jess say above the roar of the cafeteria chatter. I snapped out of my daze and looked up at her. She slid up off her seat, not looking at me, instead looking out across the cafeteria. "I'm going to the bathroom."

I sighed and looked down at my book, trying again to focus on my thoughts.

After a few minutes, Jess had not returned, I got up to go check on her. The girls bathroom was empty, but as I exited it, I heard two voices around the corner.

"Jess?" I called out, but no one replied, instead the two voices continued to converse in hushed tones. I stopped and listened, I know I shouldn't.

"You know as much as I that three will draw attention! Especially when you're flaunting your powers so recklessly!!" I heard Jess hiss, my curiosity spiked. Who was she talking to? And what were they talking about.

"Calm down Jessica, I've only come to see her," the male voice said with an amused tone, "Besides, if any... obstacles should arrive, we know how to deal with them."

"You're going to get her killed, just let her finish the semester in peace!" I heard Jess say defensively.

I couldn't take it anymore, I peaked around the corner and saw a very surprising sight. Sebastian was leaning against the wall looking very relaxed as Jess shot him angry glares. So they did know each other?

I should have turned away, I had lingered too long. Sebastian looked up and looked eyes with me, I froze. Jess looked behind her and gained a very worried expression once she saw me.

"What's going on?" I asked and looked between the two of them. Sebastian gave a smirk which made my stomach flip. "Do you two know each other?"

"Hannah," Jess said quietly and slowly approached with a concerned expression. I wanted to back away but I found myself completely trapped in Sebastian's gaze. She turned and glared at him, "This is your fault."

"Jess," I said quietly, "I don't understand, are you in trouble!? Is he trying to hurt someone?" Questions raced through my mind and out my lips faster than I could process them.

"Hannah!" Jess interrupted me and took my arm, I turned to look into her bright green eyes. My breath hitches, they were more beautiful than ever and I could see her concern in them. I trusted Jess. "It's ok," she said soothingly and pulled my into the hallway, "Come sit down."

I nodded slowly and leaned against the wall, slowly sliding down it to sit. I looked up at Jess and Sebastian, slowly calming down, but still having so many questions. They spoke quietly quietly, and I wasn't listening, I only caught parts of it.

"...need to make her forget..."

"...take her now..."

" about her..."

I felt a hand shake my shoulder and it quickly brought me back. I looked up at Jess again . "What's going on?" I asked quietly, I didn't feel endangered, I could trust Jess and Jess knew Sebastian so I could trust him.

She smiled and brushed some of my black hair away from my face. "Don't worry," she said quietly, "Just look into my eyes and forget."

That word, I sounded so beautiful when she said it. I didn't even realize my vision was beginning to go dark until my eyelids felt heavy and I wasn't strong enough to keep them open.

"Good girl," I heard her whisper, "Just sleep."

• • •

Water droplets fell from the faucet in my bathroom. My senses felt like they had gone into overdrive. Ugh, how do I turn down the volume on life? My head was pounding. I opened my eyes and looked around at my surroundings. I was in my room, the bright purple wall and mix-matched furniture was a comforting to see.

I pull my hand up and rub my head as I slowly sit up. Leaning over to turn on my lamp I saw my Aunt Grace pass by. She saw me too and leaned in my doorway.

"Hey Hannah, how are you?" She asked, her eyes showing her concern even though she was smiling.

I yawned and scrunched my eyes closed tiredly before answering, "My head hurts."

"Jess said you fainted," she told me. I did? I couldn't remember fainting. I looked over at my alarm clock. Monday 5:37 pm. Oh god had I fainted at school!?

"It was so nice of her and that boy to drive you home," my aunt said, interrupting my worried thoughts. Boy? But Jess broke up with Charlie on Saturday? Aunt Grace must have seen my worried expression. "Don't worry, the doctor said you were just dehydrated," she explained, "I'll go get you some aspirin and water."

I nodded slowly and watched her leave before locating my backpack and pulling out my phone. I quickly punched in a number. Jess picked up quickly.

"Hannah! How are you?" She asked quickly.

"I'm fine-" I was about to ask Jess something but she interrupted me.

"So, are you coming to school tomorrow?" She asked

"Yeah, sure, but Jess-" again I began to ask my question but she again interrupted.

"Hannah, I'm sorry, this isn't really a good time," Jess said. I couldn't help but feel like she was avoiding my question.

"Oh, okay..."

"Sorry, bye!" She said and hung up.

I sighed and laid back against my bed again. Aunt Grace knocked before entering and set a glass of water on my bedside table. I held out my hand and took the pills from her.

"Thanks," I mumble and down the pills.

I felt bad for my aunt, almost guilty at times. My mom was a single mother, but she died when I was in middle school, that's how I ended up with my aunt. She's a writer and she used to travel around and write articles and novels, but now she's basically just a stay at home mom. I mean - she does have a job, she's editor for the local newspaper, but she works from home and I live with her.

I guess sometimes I just feel like I'm holding her back. Once I go to college, I hope she goes back to traveling, I think that would make her happy.

The pills help a lot and I soon feel much better. I sit up and stumble out of bed, my legs were still a little tired. I took a shower and put on some fresh pjs before going downstairs. After raiding the cabinet for snacks, I run back upstairs and start on my homework.

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