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It all started on a night like any other, during a hot night of summer. People were out having fun with their friends, or passing time with their loved ones. Then it started happening. A bright light in the sky made the night look like it was noon, and then people changed. Not all of them, just some.

Some appeared more pallid, grew fangs and started feeding from other people. Some growled and got covered in fur; their jaws grew and started killing other beings. Some shown an aura of magic around them, and started attacking each other. Most of them were screaming about “The Veil”. I was there. I knew.

I must explain myself. Every “weird” occurrence in this world is true. Every horror story featuring demons, angels, vampires, werewolves, fairies, ghosts… all of them all are real, but most people just can’t see them. They (we) hid in plain sight, mostly thanks to the veil. It was something mages used to cloak us from humans. The stories that came from the past, when we roamed the earth with little to no caution (depending on how stupid some of us were), were cautionary tales to humans about us. So a council of mages known as “The Technocracy” decided to shroud every supernatural entity with it. Some decided that we wanted to continue to be with the humans, and learned to generate a “human vessel” to be able to interact with them. Others decided that they could hide in old houses, or forests, and others removed themselves from within the plane of existence of the humans.

We were as happy as we could be, some of us even decided to live most of our life in this plane, taking account of the "aging process" of normal human beings, so we changed our vessels with frequency... We all knew the day would come when the veil would fall, we just didn't think it would be so soon.

When it all started, humans were at their peak, outnumbering us on a 100000:1 ratio. In the first few nights, between the heart attacks, the victims of my feeding brothers and the ones that went mad watching all this fairy tale monsters for real, the ratio dropped 10000:1.

Humans started fighting back, they sure as hell wouldn't go down without a fight and we knew that (at least I did). Outnumbered we suffered losses, and that gave them the strength of spirit to keep fighting. Orders of Hunters started re-appearing out of the blue, where they hid for millennia. Now they could fight us again in the open. The ratio kept dropping in the first few months going down to 1000:1.

The first powers started to worry, the "fight for the souls of mankind" was killing more than some of them wanted, so they stepped in. Angels came down from heaven to join the "holy battle" from those on the side of the light. Demons came up from hell to take part with those on the side of darkness. And reapers came from down under to pick every soul they could.
The battleground changed entirely, and the problems started. The 15 pillars, the redeemers of this world had not shown up yet. The warriors of destiny have not yet fought. And hunger is starting to give more souls to the reapers.

I’m spacing out… Sorry about that. Thing is, when the first powers of the universe (AKA God, The Devil and The King of the Underworld) decided to see what would become of humans in the long run (by influence, not by intervention) they decided there should be a “failsafe” to keep humans alive despite all the conflict that could happen. So they created The Pillars, 15 special souls that should keep humanity alive. Of them, the “specials” took two, to keep us alive as well. But it seems that someone decided to change that part of our deal… And I am worried about the future of our race.

I believe that this killing should end up soon, that this “plague” as humans call it ends so we can carry on. Whoever finds this must know that the plague is a cover up, that this battle has been gearing up for years, and it might not be the end of it… I write this as I crave for another drop of blood. Hell, I would drain a cow to satisfy my thirst at this point, but there are none. Maybe I am the one that is wrong, maybe this is not The Battle, but merely a skirmish to balance out powers, but it feels like the end of days.
                                    Carolvs McCallen

This letter was found in a monastery in the Carpathian Mountains, buried deep underground, in a case that also contained a vial of blood. This vial has been analyzed, and the blood seemed partially human, and had traces of the bacteria that caused so many deaths, known as “Black Death”.

This researcher wonders if this are the writings of a mad man, high in fever and almost dead at the time of writing, or if something else wrote this…

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