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I cannot believe it. He actually contacted internally with me. I didn’t know he would read this kind of posts, as I thought he would be more interested in his human interactions than this. However, I was dead wrong. It seems that his desire for knowledge has not diminished in the last ~1200 years he has been alive, and he is eager to know if people is still aware of their existence, and how much people actually know about them. I will add what he wrote to me, verbatim.

“It is funny to see how a mere mortal is interested in my life, Carlos, as I thought all my past was behind me. I have tried to be inconspicuous as I have collected many enemies along the years. If you do really want to know my story I will tell you the highlights. However, I am as baffled and interested in your story as you are interested in mine. I have seen so little mortal minds as inquisitive and sharp as yours. Yes, I am from one of the older clans, the rose clan also known as the Toreador clan. Yes, the vampire society regards my arts on warfare more than my artistic writing. But yours is deplorable, you lack the soul of an artist to really convey the feelings of rage, disappointment, despair and the feeling of self-fulfillment I got every single time I was victorious despite impossible odds.

You surprise me, I don’t know what kind of information Pentex has about me and I suppose it’s a lot, as your insight on the reason we use vessels and on some of the things that happened to me is very keen. I have had my run-ins with Pentex back on the day before they were a Corporation, by the time they were just a coven of angry, bitter, megalomaniac, homicidal “specials” as you have called us. They tried to recruit me as they knew all the carnage I inflicted before I was “enlightened”. And yes, my reasons for wanting humanity alive are selfish. What good is art if there is no one to admire it? What good is an artist’s soul without inspiration? What is the purpose of having a long lifetime if there will be no new artists? Don’t get me wrong, I still can be as mean and bloodthirsty as I want, but I will defend art above anything else, as this has been my motivation all my life. There are so many art forms your mortal mind cannot conceive them.

Now, about the Pillars, I have way more information than they might have, but I’m not about to share it, as I know they will try to get as much as they can to be able to fulfill their purpose. And I will not let that happen. I know Pentex keeps reading what you post in an attempt to gather the information you were paid to get for them. They will stop at nothing to see the world come to an end. And this is a direct message to them: Fargo Giovanni, you and your little coven of psychos will fall. I will make absolutely sure you all do.”

So, as you see, I might receive more information from him, and I suppose it will be conveyed the same way this one got to me. I want to see what he wants to let us know about him. I would like to see what his mindset is like, by reading how he sees himself and an autobiography from him would be really, really interesting to read. This is all for the time being. I understand why he doesn’t want me to keep talking about the Pillars. I will continue my research in the meantime. I think there is much more to learn from them, why they have let us flourish up to this point.

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