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I know what you’re thinking. If all of this happened around 800 - 850 A.D. and he was sunk in the ocean, how come the name was used almost 500 years later? I had the same questions and this baffled me for some time. This is the part where my benefactor’s arcane documents came to my aid. Do you remember he talked about the Veil, and the vessels? Around the time the Veil was implemented (900 - 950 A.D. according to the documents) he was long gone from this world. But not from the other one.

See, quantum mechanics and string theory have it right. I know, particle physics doesn’t seem to play much of a role in a story about vampires and mages, and fabled creatures. But bear with me for a moment. Quantum physics state that there can be actions reflected in several places of the space-time at the same moment, due to quantum-entanglement. And string theory states that there are several universes. Do you know how it all comes together?

The multiple universes theory states that even though gravity is the most important force of the universe, it can also be the weakest because it is the easiest one to circumvent. There is a theory that states that this is due to the fact that the force of gravity is being “shared” among all the universes. Remember quantum-entanglement? If one force of the universe is being shared amongst all the universes, what can impede that other energies have found a way to be shared amongst them all?

I believe this mages he talked about, this “Technocrats”, found a way to send the conscious mind of every one of this fabled creatures and create “replicas” in a parallel universe. One only they could access or inhabit. This effectively served two purposes: 1) protect themselves from the hunters orders Carolvs talked about, and 2) protect the humans from the most destructive species (I assume vampires, werewolves, dragons, etc.).

Now, let’s go back to our findings and merge it all together. Even though he had a human body, he was also a vampire. Vampires from myth are really hard to destroy (except by fire, sunlight or holy weapons). If he was at the bottom of the ocean, he was pretty much protected from these things, but I suppose in constant agony as the depths of the ocean kept crushing him as fast as he could recover. Now, by the moment the mages created the veil, as he was pretty much still kicking then he should have been sent there as well.

That would explain my findings, as the next contact in the story of Carolvs comes around the year 1020 A.D.. He kept using the same name, and basically the same profession as his previous “life”. How can I know that this is not just a copycat pirate, taking advantage of the name Carolvs made for himself before? Because his assault methods were exactly the same, and the oral stories tend to tergiverse things in the long run. Plus, this was almost 200 years later, and it would seem too much of a coincidence to have two people with the same name (one of them as a given name, and the other one as the name this boy adopted around his 16, when he joined a pirate crew).This exact same situation got repeated in 1130 A.D., 1210 A.D. and 1300 A.D.. A boy around 16 would take on the name, and becomes the ruthless, fearless pirate using the same methods as the first Carolvs. But it was all about to change around 1400 A.D..

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