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As I promised, I will bring a conclusion to this investigation. This doesn’t mean that I will remove myself from this world full of legendary creatures. Let’s say, it has been in the shadows for so long for a reason, and it will fade back into the shadows where it belongs. However, all of you who have read this story so far are now aware of the fact that it exists, and that there is no way they will just let us be.There are forces lined up against us, humans, and there are forces fighting on our side, but we will have to act as well. You have no idea the importance of us fighting back by the side of those helping us like Carolvs, instead of just running away hiding.

At some point I asked Carolvs why was humanity so important, if our importance was just the fact that we could generate vessels for them then it would be best to go extinct. His reply was incredibly honest and inspiring. “You humans don’t really know your full strength. I have seen you do incredible things. Your courage lies within you and it allows you to be capable of doing glorious things as well as horrible monstrosities. But when a mere human with enough willpower decides to defy universal powers and gathers enough people to his cause, they can shake the earth. When I met the first hunter’s order I was going to find I thought a group of humans trying to fight mages, vampires and werewolves were just humans with a deathwish, cannon fodder. But they have shown how they can prevail uphill battles and beat impossible odds”.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked, puzzled by his reply. “Humanity’s soul is the most powerful force of the universe. I have foreseen this. In the last battle, when the hunters realize not all specials are monsters bound to destroy the world and humanity with them, they will join the battle for the new realm to save humanity. The weapons and willpower they have used to hunt us down will be used against the forces of legend that are eager to destroy the world. And even though many will die that day, they will plant the seeds of courage and valor amongst the surviving humans, allowing them to realize that their race has earned their place in the universe because of their own determination. There is nothing humans cannot do when they set up their minds to it. The Technocracy started industrial revolution and humans took the ball and reached space with their machines and their life support systems, while Mages died trying to perfect a way to accomplish this feat with pure magic. Humans saw mages contacting each other on different planes all at once and replicated portable technology to accomplish the same on earth”.

“I have seen technocrats giving up and just taking some of the technology humans created to the other side, and changing non-replicable parts with parts imbued with magic for it to work there. You guys don’t cease to amaze me and instill fear in the hearts of those who believe you’re just the biggest mistake ever done in the universe. That’s why they want to wipe you out, because you might someday become as powerful as them, or more”. “So you think we will be able to kill gods? That’s a little far fetched!” I said in disbelief. “You will see, Carlos, when the time comes you as a race will throw kings out of their thrones and install new kingdoms, new rules. And you will be part of it, as now you know more than any human should know about this”.

I still fear the day the battle reaches earth, the day the Veil falls. But heroism is not about not feeling fear. It’s about the willing to fight despite the fear, even if you know you might not survive. We have always seen ourselves as heroes despite impossible odds, fighting against incredibly advanced alien races, enemies impossible to defeat. We have always imagined us being able to prevail, and our willpower is the reason why. There will come the time to test our own willpower as a race. And if we stick together and help, we will survive. We have been taught to fear heaven and hell but we can fight them. Our strength is our spirit and our will to survive, our force comes from our very souls, and the sheer numbers we have.

And you who have been reading my investigation, my story, please know that the world counts on you to survive. Humanity needs your will to survive as strong as you can. It doesn’t matter if you as an individual die when the time comes, as long as your will is strong we as a race will be able to make it. The sheer scope of the battle will activate your “flee or fight” instinct, please fight. Fight for a new tomorrow, fight for the continuation of our species. It might be the hardest battle we have ever had, but this would be the most important one we will ever live.

And after the battle is done, I hope to see you on the other side.

Carlos M.

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