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I know I drifted apart from the scientific explanation I’m trying to find here for this to make sense. What makes you, as a person, be who you are? Energy. What religion has dubbed as Soul is actually just electrical impulses in your brain. We’re back into quantum physics territory, as the law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed. When the embryo is in the 8th week of formation, the brain “kick starts”, getting the energy needed to start higher functions as it continues its development. Since energy is neither created nor destroyed, this energy has to come from somewhere, and needs to go somewhere else when the body dies.

This basically means every human body could be a possible “vessel” to be inhabited by these fabled creatures. Since most of them had a human body to begin with (either vampires, werewolves and mages share this trait) it could be easy for them to accommodate to a new body, but I think the fact that the higher brain development is done through the infancy, by the time the body reaches puberty this outside energy starts to write the memories and traits to get accustomed to the new body, before the brain development ends around the 18th - 21st year of life. Of course, being in a human body it means that all the fabled abilities this beings have are not available to them, but could it be possible that if the “veil” falls down, this vessels could be somehow “infected” or transformed into what the energy owner is on the other side?

That would explain why he said that people started to transform, and this would also explain why the name has been “reused” several times, as they are depending on the lifespan of a normal human, not their own bodies. The weird part is that this bodies, this “vessels”, get all the information from the previous lives, as well as access to the other side, the parallel universe this beings inhabit. And I don’t think this would be with their physical bodies. I believe they might be doing this with the “astral projections” so many people claim to be able to do, and that have been in the human history for so long. I believe they are able to send their conscious mind there, as it is being shared between the two universes, and decide to live part of their lives here and the rest on the other side.

I’m starting to understand why the Pentex Corporation wants my research so badly. Searching through their database, I can see that they are composed of people that believe this is real, and are preparing to hunt these beings down, if they haven’t done that already. I think I’m working for one of the “hunters orders” Carolvs talked about. And I don’t know how to feel about this, because it would be so interesting to see if there is an actual scientific explanation for all of this and if what I have discovered actually holds true, instead of just disposing of what they think might be a menace to the human race.

I think this is it. I’m going to cut ties with the Pentex Corporation for good, now that the trace program has already copied the arcane documents database, at least what has been digitized. And I’m giving this information to you, just in case they decide to hunt me down. I think I was as sneaky as I could be, but I think they are going to find out about this information I took from them and it’s not going to be pretty for me.

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