OK, so far nothing has happened to me, except I have found a lot of additional information about the way they move from plane to plane and from body to body. Don’t worry, as they are unable to use just any body, they are not “body snatchers”. Apparently, there are some rules for that. But let’s go back to my findings regarding the story of Carolvs McCallen.

Around 1400 A.D. there is a change on his story, and I think something major has to have changed in Carolvs’ mind. For his next life, he decided to use all the knowledge he had gathered from his lives on the sea, and decided to try to go for the gold by getting control of a feud, so he went to a feudal court and worked for the feudal lord as court counselor, helping create tactics to use against rival lords and acquire their territory. I suppose this could qualify as a different focus for the piracy he learned to do in his previous lives, eventually leading to his demise. He fell in love with the court’s sage, named Emily, and decided the best way to get her just for him was to stage a coup of the feud, and take the feudal lord title for himself. But it went badly, as the sage learned all the savage tactics he had been instructing the knights of her lord to take over other territories were going to be applied to her own lord, and advised the lord to cast him out as a traitor because she loved him and didn’t want to see him dead. But the feudal lord did not take well this betrayal, and decided to burn him at the stake, and the sage with him because he was convinced she had helped him and only ratted him out because she thought she might be discovered. They were burnt at the stake in front of all the townspeople, and he swore revenge against all those who crossed him just before dying.

The next life he got was the one where he wrote this letter I shared at the beginning, but it has some disturbing implications according to what I have understand about it so far. He kept trying to get himself a royal title as a feudal lord, with sneakier tactics this time. But he was discovered and casted out, and eventually ended living in a little hut in the forest, plotting a way to get back at the feudal lord who casted him out. However, as it tends to happen when people feel betrayed, he was so angry he started making mistakes, passing over people he shouldn’t have. Near where he lived there was this gipsy camp, and the memory of all these mages he felt betrayed from made him attack said camp. What he didn’t expect was for a gipsy chaman to be guarding the camp, and she trapped him. He was absolutely sure they were going to kill him, as they kept shouting they captured a vampire. But the shaman had different ideas.

Despite this sounding like a TV show plot, the shaman decided to curse him. My research has shown me that vampires have a way to control themselves partially, they call this duality “Humanity” and “The Beast”. The more humanity they have, the more suave and less prone to violence they are. They get tortured as well by the images of what The Beast has done. Usually they try to balance it out, and many only succumb to The Beast when their thirst takes the best of them. But his brutal ways were a sign that The Beast had more power over him than the Humanity. So, as a curse, this gipsy restored as much humanity as she could, and forced him to watch all the brutality and carnage inflicted by him to all of his victims. He started to go mad, watching all the terror and despair he left on his path and his mind was partially fractured, with The Beast reduced to a shadow of his former self.

Some documents state that this was not a random occurrence, that this punishment was not inflicted because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that either a Prince from the vampire society decided to inflict this punishment as a way to get their cover up and not draw so much attention to vampires, or by a Mage from a coven to make him understand why Elena sunk him in the ocean because of all the horrors she had seen him cause to everyone around him, herself included.

Then, and unfortunately for him, the Black plague started ravaging Europe, causing more horrors and despair for him to watch, and he went actually mad. But I have my own theory. I believe his “madness” was just a side effect of what the curse did to him, as he was engulfed in this horrors he started to see glimpses of the future. I know, the future is uncertain, no one can predict it. However, I believe that what he wrote was a glimpse of the possible future he saw.

I was intrigued when I read his letter, as of course there is no historical record of these events occurring back in the day, but now I’m terrified about the future, if his vision was correct. What is going to happen to humanity as the “Battle for the Souls of Mankind” unfolds? How does the whole “Pillars” thing work? How close are we to this event? Is it related to what religion has dubbed as “Apocalypse”? I will continue my research. I feel that I’m getting closer to something important. I’ll let you know as soon as I find more information.

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