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Apparently I did the right thing by getting away from the Pentex Corporation, as I saw a lot of disturbing things while checking the file dump I took from their servers. These guys have been following Carolvs’ life, and some other specials as well, whose names I will research to see their relevance in this story. According to some internal emails that got copied while I dumped the information to my hard drive, they know about the fall of the Veil, and are actively trying to find a way to make it fall, so the Apocalypse begins.

I have some findings on the Pillars, who are also being sabotaged by Pentex. As far as I know, they already disposed of one of the Pillars, and it worries me that the the failsafe will not work with just 14 out of 15. Also, Carolvs was right about the whole “Universal Distribution” thing. The mainstream religions based on the Christian faith have it partially right. There are 3 destinations for your personal energy. You either go to heaven, hell or limbo according to them. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that the mythological heaven or hell are real, these are dimensions similar to the dimension where the technocracy sent the fabled creatures into. What they didn’t get right is that Limbo is actually The Underworld, or the land of Oblivion, and this one has a regent as well. Now, according to what I have found, Heaven is ruled by Jeshua, Hell by Lucifer and the Underworld is ruled by someone i don’t have the name for, but Carolvs has referred to him before as fish-face, as it seems he had a run-in with the guy and they don’t like each other. Which is impressive, considering that if this guy is a higher power himself, he could easily destroy someone like Carolvs on a whim.

But without drifting away from the Pillars information, there are, in fact, 15 of them. There should be 4 female, 9 male and 2 special (one for the light side, so I suppose mages, elves and the like and one for the darkness side so I suppose vampires, werewolves, etc.) What Carolvs referred to was a long forgotten bard song, which lyrics have been reused at some point recently: “Fifteen candles, redeemers of this world (four pink, nine blue, two black)”. Each one of the powers personally chose 5 “souls”, but the specials were able to get two vessels included as part of the Pillars roster, so they could keep having vessels available after the battle is done.

According to some documents, the battle will have lots of battlegrounds and it could drag on for months. However, at some point at the battle’s peak, the pillars should activate and the universe should be balanced out again. But this is supposed to be possible only if all the pillars are there in the battle. I don’t know if the failsafe will work at all if some or all are missing. And since this is part of Pentex’s objectives (to remove all pillars from existence) I don't know if this would mean the end of humanity.

If I have understood the emails correctly, Pentex is composed of some really old and bad specials, who want to watch the world burn, basically. They will stop at nothing to see the battle unfold as badly as possible, and get the human race destroyed, the world in ruins and darkness taking over the whole world. I will continue my investigation on this front as well, but the more I found the more questions arise and more is needed to get the whole picture. It’s taking a toll on my mind, as I don’t know if I’m being paranoid, or if the shadows I see move unnaturally are part of the Lasombra vampire clan I’ve read about. I will inform you on the clans, as I have found some information about them as well.

For the time being, I will stop right here. There is so much I have learned in the past week I don’t know how to process. There is so much lore I have gotten, and even though all this information looks like a bad fairy tale, it makes a lot of sense if you think about it for a moment. I know I’m not crazy, even if it feels like I am.

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