U.A. Sports Festival Arc: Chapter 15

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Dual Side: U.A. Sports Festival Arc: Chapter 15

Hello, it's Deathstroke2577 here, with the next chapter of Dual Side

(F/N)-First Name (L/E/C)-Left Eye Color (R/E/C)-Right Eye Color(H/C)-Hair Color( )-Thoughts
(S/M)-Source Music (I/M)-Incidental Music (Soundtrack music)
(B/O)-Body Option
(SFX)-Sound Effects
<( )>-Telepathically Speaking

< >-Animal empathy speaking

Disclaimer: Let's get this out way, Hero Academia, Marvel, or any other materials I use, does not belong to me(So don't sue me) except this story. Now, without further delay, let's begin!

Chapter 15

U.A. Stadium
Faculty and Student Entrance

"So... what did you want to talk about?" Izuku asked Shizu, who was staring down the shorter boy with a cold look, while (F/N) look at them both not sure of what to do "If we don't hurry, the cafeteria will probably be really crowded..." Shizu doesn't respond "Um..." "You overpowered me" Shizu responded with a cold tone "So much so that I broke my pledge. Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Elizabeth, Uraraka... None of them felt it. At that last instant, I was the only one who was overpowered. Only me, who had experienced All-Might's full power up close" "What... does... that mean?" Izuku asked nervously. "It means I felt something coming from you" Shizu answered, "Midoryia, are you All-Might's secret love child or something?" Izuku looked at her in confusion. "Well... are you?"

"Th-That's not it!" Izuku said while freaking out "I mean, even if I was, I would say I wasn't, so I don't think you'd believe me, but anyway, that's not how it is... In the first place, let me ask you something... Why do you think that about me?" "Since you said, "that's not how it is," that means there's a connection between you two that you can talk about, right?" Shizu said making Izuku shocked while (F/N) look in surprise "Endeavor's my old man. I'm sure you know that he's been stuck as the #2 hero for forever. If you have something from the #1 hero, then I have even more reason to beat you. My old man has a strong desire to rise in the world. As a hero, he won a name for himself with crushing force. Because of that, one of the living legends, All-Might, is a great eyesore to him. Since he couldn't surpass All-Might, he moved onto his next plan" "What are you talking about, Todoroki?" Izuku questioned, "What are you trying to tell me?"

"You've heard of Quirk marriages, right?" Shizu questioned (Wait! Don't Tell me that!?) (F/N) thought in shock. "That thing that became problematic for the second and third generation after superpowers appeared. Choosing a spouse based only on strengthening your own Quirk and passing it onto your children, forcing people into marriage. A throwback to a bygone idea devoid of any logic" Shizu explained "As a man of means and money... he easily ingratiated himself to my mother's family. And took possession of her Quirk"

"He is trying to fulfill his own desire by raising me to be a hero to surpass All-Might. Fuck him! I'll never, Never be that piece of shit's tool!!" Shizu said with anger making Izuku shock "In my memories, my mom is always crying" Shizu puts her left hand over her scar on her left eye " 'Your left side is unsightly,' my mom said as she poured boiling water on me" Izuku gets shocked, while (F/N)'s left eye flickered red and right eye purple in anger and sadness.

"The reason I'm aiming to beat you is a personal triumph" Shizu explained "I won't use my shitty old man's Quirk. No... I'll reject him completely by winning first place without using it. You can go now Midoriya" Izuku walked away in shock to lunch.

(F/N) walked to the side of the wall that Izuku was standing near to look at Shizu "(F/N)" Shizu started to speak in English with a worried expression "Yeah?" "Where have you been for the past 11 years?" (F/N) took a deep sigh (I knew we were going to have a talk about this) (F/N) thought. "Where do I start?" (F/N) wondered.

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