Chapter 1

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*Back Story pt.1*

The last time I was truly happy was when I was 6 years old. I had a twin brother and my parents loved me unconditionally. Than something happened, and that something was me... Me and my brother walked home from school since it was just right up the street from our house, and there was a shortcut we would take to get home faster. One day after school I wanted to get home faster because we just got a puppy. And that was my first mistake...

*End of Back Story*

Do you ever have that feeling that something bad is going to happen but you ignore it because you think it's nothing? Well, let me tell you something if you get that feeling don't ignore it. I know I never will again.

*Earlier That Day*


The beeping of my alarm clock woke me up. I had a big day ahead of me, but I didn't want to get out of bed. I just wanted to go back to sleep there was a feeling in the pit of my stomach a bad feeling. But I ignored it and got up. I had a final for my paramedic degree and if I passed I would be a paramedic, and I couldn't wait to finally have something good happen to me.

I turned on my light and grabbed an outfit from my closet, I didn't really have a choice on what to wear since there was a uniform at the school I went to for the para-medicine program. It was a bright red shirt and black cargo pants. I pulled on the pants and put on the shirt making sure to put some sweatpants in my bag for after my final so I could change. I walked out of my door and walked to the bus stop.

The bus usually got to the stop at about 11:20 a.m. which was great because that meant I got to sleep in a little and I didn't have to wonder around my school till my class started. But today the bus was late, the most important day of the whole class and my bus was late. I looked at my watch and saw it was 11:40 a.m. My class started at 12:05 p.m. and if I didn't get there on time they wouldn't let me in. So, I started walking, which I didn't mind walking calmed me down. And I was really nervous for this test. If I didn't pass I would have to wait a whole month to take it again and I know that doesn't sound too bad, but it would throw off my whole plan.

I walked into class right as the bell rang, I sighed and went to my seat in the back. We didn't have assigned seats, but everyone knew their unassigned assigned seats if you know what I mean. I dropped my bag to the floor and got out a pencil and started to mentally prepare for this final. The teacher was just about to talk when this girl Amber walked into class. If I'm being honest I didn't think she would make it this far. She was the typical snobby girl that wants all of the attention from everyone. Which is why I think she is late almost every day. Me and her are the only girls in our class which is okay with me, I've always found it easier to befriend guys, but that didn't happen in this class since I didn't look like Amber.

"Okay, class I hope you studied last night for this final!" My teacher like screamed at us, which wasn't unusual he did that so we would wake up. Or at least that's what he said the first day of class. "All of you guys passed the skills portion, now it is time for the written final."

I was looking around the class and my eyes met Ambers, she never liked me so she would always give me the death stare before we did anything important, I guess she is trying to get to me, but little does she know I've been through way worse. I looked back towards the front of the classroom and, let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. The tests were passed out and I just stared at the packet, thinking about it finally being here and me finally graduating, and me doing what I've wanted to do for such a long time which was help people.

"Okay class, just read the questions carefully don't rush through them and you guys will do great! Good luck and when you are done you are free to go, just leave your tests on your desk."

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