Chapter 8

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"Well?" I questioned, she had just been staring at me for the last 5 minutes. It was killing me, what was she going to say? And what if she said no. I was regretting saying anything at all, I should've just kept what I said before the accident to myself and none of this would be happening. But what if she said yes? What if she pushed herself to try with me and it worked out?

"I think I can give you a trial run." She stared into my eyes. It seemed like she was searching for my reaction, but I didn't have one. 'A trial run?' What does that even mean?

"What do you mean exactly?"

"I mean like we date, on a trial basis. Let's say for 3 months. If all we do is fight then we break up no harm no foul, if we get along and everything is going good then we keep dating. But either way I need you in my life Derek, I don't know what I would do without you, the way you've helped me these last couple of days and how much I've opened up to you. You are probably the closest friend I've had in a while."

"I think I can live with that compromise." I smiled as I looked down at her. 

"Good." She smiled and she wrapped her arms around me. "Now let's go to my doctor's appointment, so I can start walking again." She let go of me and I already missed the warmth she brought to me. I got off the bed and walked over to her side so I could help her into her wheelchair. I set her down and she rolled back letting me go in front of her. I opened the door and she rolled out. We got to my truck and I lifted her into it, she said thanks and smiled at me. I nodded and went to put the chair in the back of the truck. I walked around and got in the driver's side of the vehicle. I looked over at her and I saw her fiddling with her jacket like she was nervous or something.

"Are you okay Emily?"

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry." She looked over at me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"I don't have to but I'm going to so mine as well just tell me what you are thinking about." I gave her a half smirk in return.

"I'm just thinking about my timeline that I had set up before this whole thing happened."

"You had a timeline?" I laughed a little.

"You can make fun of me all you want, but I was the youngest in your class because of said timeline." I put my hand on her leg and I felt her flinch a little, but she let me keep my hand there.

"Then thank God for your timeline." She grabbed my hand and interlaced her fingers with mine. "So, what's in jeopardy with your timeline since this happened?"

"I won't be able to start work and my savings are going down since I can't work now with my leg. And my rent is due soon, and the hospital bills that I have to pay because I don't have insurance."

"Well I can help you with that, if you want."

"I can't take your money Derek, we just started whatever this is and I don't want to ruin it before it even starts by taking your money."

"I want to help though, and it wouldn't ruin anything."

"What if I can't pay you back and then something happens to you and then you need the money you gave me to pay off bills of your own and then you go into debt because you gave me money." She took a deep breath in after saying all that and I laughed.

"I can promise you I won't go into debt." I didn't know how to tell her that my family was rich without scaring her. I need her to see that I don't want to be a part of that life before I tell her. I need her to see me.

"How can you promise that?" she questioned.

"I have a lot of money in my savings and I have health insurance." I looked at her and gave her a smile.

"I still can't take your money." As she finished her sentence we pulled up to the doctor's office. I squeezed her had reassuringly.

"Everything thing is going to be fine." We got to the waiting room and signed in and filled out all of the paperwork and returned it to the receptionist. Now we just had to wait for her name to be called. It felt like forever before a nurse came out and called us back.

"How are you feeling Emily?" the nurse asked.

"I'm doing okay, just ready for the brace that the doctor want's me in." She replied with a smile.

"And how are you?" The nursed turned her question to me this time as she gave me a flirtatious smile.

"I'm good, just hoping for the best for my girlfriend here." I smiled back at her not to be rude.

"Oh, well how sweet." She nodded and dropped us off at the room. "The doctor will be in shortly."

"That was rude." I scoffed

"What was rude?" She looked at me innocently

"She was trying to flirt with me while we were together."

"Well by looking at us I wouldn't assume we are together either, if I'm being honest."

"And why would you say that?" I looked at her confused.

"Because you are so like handsome" she blushed and looked down "and I'm not." Before I could say anything the doctor walked in.

"Hello Emily." He said with a smile.

"Hello Dr. Gunzy." She replied back. 


Sorry for the short chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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