Chapter 2

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*Back Story Pt. 2*

We started running down the street when all of a sudden, I heard a bang, I stopped and looked behind me and saw my brother James laying on the ground with red stuff all over his jacket and face. I ran back to him and knelt down beside him.

"James?!" I said my voice shaky

"Emily." He whispered

I looked down and my hand was all red, I looked up and saw my parents come outside and run towards us. I started to cry and I leaned down to hug James. What did I do?

*End of Back Story Pt 2*

Whenever I walk somewhere I think about that day, and it's not a bad thing. I mean it's not my finest memory but it is the last one I have with my brother. I took a step out into the street after I saw the white person on the sign signaling for me to go, but the next think I knew I was in the air.

*Derek's Point of View*

I looked out my front window and just stared at the sight of Emily lying on the ground, motionless, and lifeless. I jumped out of the car and ran towards her. I knelt by her and saw she wasn't breathing. I started to do CPR, 1 2 3 ... 15 16 17 ... 28 29 30, two breaths, repeat. I kept doing CPR until the ambulance came and loaded her into the ambulance and took her to the hospital. While I followed in my truck. I parked and ran into the emergency room.

"Hey Derek, what are you doing here it's your day off?" A nurse asked me, but I didn't answer I went straight to the trauma room Emily was in. She was covered in blood, but she had a pulse. She was alive. I let out the breath I was holding relaxing a bit. I turned around and leaned on the wall, I couldn't believe she was dead. I replayed the events leading up to her getting hit. I couldn't help but blame myself, if I didn't tell her how I felt she would be okay. I slid down the wall to sit on the floor as a tear slid down my face.

*2 Hours Later*

"Emily Blair's family?" The nurse yelled to the waiting room, But I was the only one that got up. I looked around to make sure, but I was it.

"That's me." I sighed as I walked over to her, waiting to hear the news of if Emily made it or not.

"The doctor will see you now," she turned and I followed her to a room with a doctor inside.

"Please have a seat." The doctor said.

"How is she?" I asked hurriedly, I didn't want to wait anymore.

"She is surprisingly fine, she only has a broken femur, which will heal. But she may have amnesia." I laughed a little thinking about how she would always have little sticky notes everywhere because she always forgot everything.

"Thank you! When can I see her?"

"She is in room 210, the nurse will take you to her." I nodded my head and followed the nurse to the room where I saw Emily looking around confused. I walked in and smiled at her.

*Emily's Point of View*

I slowly woke up to the sound of beeping thinking it was my alarm clock I tried to press the snooze button, but there was nothing to press. So, I opened my eyes and just saw a white room. I tried to sit up but I just felt an excruciating pain in my left upper thigh. I hissed and looked down, I saw I was in a hospital gown and I had a metal brace on my leg. I tried to remember how I got it but had no luck. That's when Mr. Catch came in with what I assumed to be a nurse who smiled and nodded at the both of us. I was confused even more now, why was Mr. Catch here?

"Emily, how are you feeling?" He asked

"Confused, why am I in the hospital?" He sighed while going down to sit in the chair beside my bed.

"You got hit by a car walking home from the school. What is the last thing you remember about today?" He asked like he was hoping something.

"I guess taking the exam, then you pulled me aside to talk, but I don't remember what about." He had a look of relief on his face when I said that which only confused me more.

"Okay that is fine it wasn't important." He smiled at me and leaned back in the chair rubbing his eyes.

"So, Mr. Catch, why are you here?"

"I was the first on the scene, I saw it happen and I couldn't just not find out if you died or not." He said in a duh tone and a sexy half smile. Did I just call Mr. Catch sexy?! I mean it's true, but I can't think that he is 4 years older than me. He would never think of me like that.

"Oh, well thank you," I said yawning

"You should get some rest, let your body recover." It didn't seem like he was going to get up or anything. Was he going to stay here with me?

"Are you going to go home?" I asked a little confused

"No, I'm going to stay and keep an eye on you."

"You really don't have to Mr. Catch I'll be fine," I said trying to convince him to go home.

"But that's the thing Emily I don't have to, but I want to. I didn't see any family out there or friends, so how are you going to get home? You can't walk with your leg like that." I looked down, 'no family', it's true I didn't have any that were here for me. My mom lost custody of me when I was young because of a drug problem, then I was in and out of foster homes the rest of my life.

"I'll call a cab." I looked back up at him, but he had a 'no way am I letting you do that' kind of look on his face.

"Nope. Now, Emily mind telling me where your family is?" I looked up at him and didn't say anything, I just felt the burning in the back of my eyes, trying not to cry. I looked down and sighed. I didn't tell anyone about my brother and my parents it was just so personal, and that just never worked for me. But I felt like I could trust him.

"They're dead," I said straight to the point. I looked over at him and his face had dropped from a joking around look to I'm such an idiot. "You don't have to say anything, it was a while ago and I'm fine." But the truth was I wasn't fine, it still hurt every day.

"Emily, I had no idea." His voice was sympathetic but had a hint of pity in it.

"How would you have known, it's not like we talked, you were my teacher." I sighed, that was kind of harsh. "Sorry I didn't mean to sound mean." I looked over at him and he nodded.

"How did they die? If you don't mind me asking." I could tell it was a sincere question so I decided I was going to tell him.

"I killed them... Or at least that is what it feels like. I had a twin brother that died when we were 6. I wanted to go through the shortcut and he got shot by some guys who were robbing a house. I held him in my arms until the paramedics came. I was covered in blood, and if I didn't convince him to go down that way he would still be alive." I looked down trying to hide the tears coming out of my eyes.

"That wasn't your fault Emily."

"Yeah everyone says that but he would still be here if we didn't go down there, and it was my idea to go down there." I shook my head and whipped the tears away.

"What about your parents?"

"I don't know after my brother died all I remember is my parents telling me I'm useless then dropping me off at a fire station and leaving me there." More tears started coming out of my eyes.

"So why did you say they were dead?"

"Because they are dead to me. I grew up in foster care, where I was locked in basements, and car trunks, and closets, and beaten almost every day. So, they are dead to me." I said angrily

"I'm sorry Emily."

"You know what? I am actually going to get that rest you mentioned earlier." I looked over and gave him a weak smile.

"Okay well, I will go get a cot from the doctors and come back and I'll drop you off at your house tomorrow once you are discharged." I nodded back at him as he turned to leave. I couldn't believe I told him that much. He is just so easy to talk to, when he isn't behind a desk, that is. I kind of hope he would help me through the whole recovery process since I didn't have anyone, but he probably won't.

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