Chapter one

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Hed lost the light of his universe when his dear Didyme was sadly destroyed by a rogue child of the moon and his brother Caius was very nearly killed. Those monsters now remain hunted into near extinction. Didyme was an unbelievable wife. Although they didn't have the true mate bond, they had the closest bond you could get to it. He truly believed it was heavens cruel fate that He was surely to be alone for the rest of eternity. 3000 years ago, today He lost his best friend,his wife,his soul mate.she was his purpose on this earth as He knew it. Her death left him entirely empty inside, He very rarely spoke anymore. Actually he very rarely did anything but sit in his personally library locking himself away until it came the day of didymes death, where her would go to the gardens and stand among the roses and she had planted and admired as they grew, if only she could see them now. Little did he know that his world was about to change entirely.

Today was the day 3000 years ago I lost my dear wife I was currently on my way to our private garden to sit among the roses she once planted and admired, I reminisced to how happy she was that day when the guards had finished the canopy over a part of the garden allowing us to go outside without giving away our secret. Arriving at my didymes roses, I couldn't help but notice a little human girl was currently taking up the space where I would sit and just spend time with the roses. It made me feel closer to Didyme. It brought me closure in a way. How did a human get in here? Clearing my throat , "ahem, excuse me miss can I help you?".not wanting to scare her off and alert people I took the calmer approach,as I spoke she mustn't have noticed I was there, she spun around so fast I froze. Her scent it smelled incredible, like home. " I um the gate was open an and I wanted to wook at the pwetty flowers, I'm sorrwy " she stared to cry looking up at me, she looked me in the eyes and gasped. As did I , with my gift I could see the bonds between two souls. A magnificent rainbow bond had wrapped it self around this little girl and towards me combining us as one. Signifying that we were true mates. This was impossible. I never though I could feel again." There there no need to cry are you here alone?where are your parents little one?"I asked noticing nobody was here,surely she wasn't alone , she looked well looked after." My don't know " she sniffed wiping her nose into her arm. She must me about the age of three. " come with me my dear" I said holding my hand out for her to take, I definitely wasn't expecting her to put both arms up, clearly wanting to be carried.i scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the library, where I could read to her until someone attempted to find her . I would ensure my mate would be cared for,nobody would take her from me this was my second chance of happiness. I had something to fight for again. I'd been damned if I let her go. Walking into the library , I saw both my brothers and their wives sat talking as per usual. Realising they'd already heard her heartbeat I removed her from index my cloak and put her down again. Aro was the first to stand and come forward, this action alone made my little mate run and hide whilst crying. Giving Aro my hand , letting him see the averts that led to this decision. He dropped my hand with a grin" it seems our dear brother has found his mate how marvellous, where is she?"he asked glancing round. Athenodora, caius's wife was the one to find her,she'd somehow left the room without anyone noticing. Caius however wasn't happy that his mate had the human clinging to him. Caius hated humans. I found myself walking towards athenodora reaching out for my now sleeping mate. " no you can't take her she's mine Marcus she's my baby" athenodora shouted had Caius not been holding her back she'd have attacked me I'm sure of it. I laid my little sleeping mate on one of the chairs by the fire so she'd be warm. Taking a look at the bonds wondering why she'd taken a sudden claim to my mate, I saw a thick golden bond from athenodora to my dear little mate. Family bond it couldn't be. She was mine. " with all respect Dora she is my mate and not yours , therefore I shall take her where I please" I said calmly it was the truth she is my mate, her happiness comes first." No Marcus I won't allow it Caius please she's my little girl I can't lose her I won't I'd rather die" athenodora screeched. All of five of us stopped what we were doing when my little mate had awoken and started crying, " let's find out who she wants herself shall we?" Sulpicia suggested walking towards her to pick her up, but before she could reach my angel, my little mate had run around her crying with her arms out for athenodora." Momma!!" She screeched. Athenodora closed the gap between them before I could intervene. I felt like I'd lost her again."marky" my little mate said pointing at me. Knowing that I mattered to her made me smile. If Dora as her mum kept her happy then who was I to say no." Caius look how cute she is our daughter Caius look" she turned my mate towards Caius , who like my previous reaction froze on the spot." Dada " my little mate said , and she took a shady step towards Caius who to everyone's surprise picked her up and held her close to him. Caius returned back to his seat with my mate in his arms and started to read his book to her softly until she fell asleep resting on his chest. Next thing we knew our happiness was shorted lived when demetri came bursting through the door ," masters, my queens forgive me but there's a woman in reception looking for her daughter Amelia what should I do?" " I shall tend to the matter personally demetri escort her to my office , Sulpicia my dear have the rest of the main guard go and fetch everything we would need for a child she'll be staying regardless" and with that both Aro and Sulpicia had left the room. Leaving me Dora and Caius to wonder what was happening to our precious princess.

Aro walked into his office seeing a young looking woman sat in he chair.he held out his hand as if introducing himself not letting her know about his gift to read minds with a single touch." Hello my dear I've been told your looking for your daughter " Aro said." Yes sir, I am due to take her to my sister in forks where my sister will take full care of her due to my health problems I won't be around much longer and I would like to know she's happy and looked after" She said. Little did she know little Amelia wasn't going anywhere."I see , now you see miss?" He asked expecting her to tell him her name although he knew it ." Annabelle" she replied shortly." Now you see miss annabelle I'm afraid we've got a problem my brothers found Amelia and she's rather happy actually when I left to come and see you she was asleep on his chest after calling him her father, our problem is this you want to take her somewhere she is cared for am I correct? So why not leave her herewith us she's happy and she'll be cared for, I know my brothers aren't letting her go otherwise. Here's what we'll do I'll take you to Amelia but we let her choose whether she goes with you or stays where she is, do we have an agreement miss annabelle?" She thought long and hard about this proposition it was completely absurd Amelia never went to anyone besides her. They must have the wrong child. Going with this assumption, she agreed . Aro walked with annabelle to the library where Caius and athenodora were sat with Amelia on the floor." Amelia come on sweetheart let's go, we need to get you to auntie sues, say goodbye to these people you need to come with mummy now" annabelle spoke. Caius and athenodora didn't miss the way Amelia flinched when her biological mother spoke." No Daddy my staying with mummy and daddy" Amelia cried launching at Caius and wrapping her arms around him not wanting to go . " Amelia please love I'm your mummy" annabelle said taking a step closer, causing Amelia in return to reach for athenodora. " mummy no I want to stay with you pwease." This time Caius spoke" there you have it she's staying end of let's go my love and settle our dear daughter into our room". Both Caius and athenodora walked out with Amelia at this point, Marcus followed closely. Leaving annabelle with Aro who had already decided her fate. With that he sped towards her and snapped her neck not before draining every drop from her. Dropping the body to the floor, annabelle was no longer going to be a problem. He summoned demetri and Felix to the library, amd ordered demetri to go to the house grab some photos of amelia on her own and burn everything to the ground and ordered Felix to clean the mess up and get rid of the body. Straightening his robes he left to inform his brothers that the treat was over after all he still hadn't held his new niece.
The heir of the volturi
The only princess of volterra .

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