chapter four

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Amelia awoke in a room that she knew wasn't hers. sitting up and climbing down from the large bed , Amelia landed on the floor with a loud thump. the noise alone sent her aunt sulpicia in." oh you sweet thing you should have called, are you alright my dear?are you hurt? I was just on my way to check up on you" sulpicia said immediately lifting Amelia into her arms." I'm okay auntie and I didn't want to be a burden to anyone, I'm a big girl now, I have to do things for myself now. I cant rely on everyone else for the rest of my life" Amelia said climbing from sulpicias arms and heading to the closet to get clothes for the day before disappearing in the bathroom. you didn't have to be a mortal human to realise that what happened between gianna and Amelia yesterday affected her. sulpicia knew it wasn't like Amelia to spend the night away from her parents and yet she spent it with Demetri and felix. something was wrong and sulpicia swore that before the day ended she would find out exactly what was bothering her precious niece and put all the wrongs to right. when Amelia resurfaced from the bathroom all dressed and ready for her day ahead, she walked out of the room and down to the kitchen where her breakfast was held each morning, leaving sulpicia to do nothing but follow.

after Amelia had finished her breakfast, she took her cup and dish to the sink setting them to the side to pull a stool over. Amelia climbed up the stool so she could comfortably wash her dishes in the sink. not that anyone knew but Amelia hated the fact that her mother and father had human staff to clean up the mess. she knew how much her father alone despised humans. leaning over to put the soaps back and to reach the towel, Amelia lost her footing, luckily for her her mother, athenodora had walked in just in time to catch her." sweetheart why are you washing your dish the maid can do that for you, your the princess of volterra, you don't need to lift a finger at all, the filthy human servants can do the cleaning up" athenodora sneered not quite catching what she said but Amelia did. tears welled up in her eyes. Amelia burst away from her mother and ran from the kitchen. is this the life she was to live? she knew shed be turned someday. Amelia could hear her mother calling her from the distance so she just kept moving. filthy humans her mother had said filthy humans. gianna was right they hated her. a part of her wished she never phoned Demetri to bring her back. running with her head in her hands, she ran into someone and bounced back, not before the person she bumped in to caught her." hello little one what are you doing in a place like this? my names Carlisle. this is my family." the man formally known as Carlisle introduced. putting her shaking hand out Amelia replied " Amelia volturi"she smiled proudly looking at Carlisle and his family she noticed their eyes." your eyes they're gold,why?"Amelia questioned thinking it was fair to ask. " my family and I drink animal blood, we class ourselves as vegetarians if you will" Carlisle responded intrigued to find such a gentle soul in this place. he was about to ask why she was here before jane and alec came around the corner with athenodora not far behind. Amelia kept her distance from her mother. " I see you've met Amelia , however aro is waiting and he doesn't like to be kept for long, come!"jane spoke. Amelia clutched on to esmes hand before walking in with them. these were the first vampires shes seen that actually value the lives of humans like her. Amelia walked into the throne room standing inbetween Carlisle and esme . caius was furious. how could his guard let this happen? Amelia stood to the side as mainly aro and Carlisle spoke. the cullens were spending a few days in the castle before heading back to forks. Amelia walked towards aro holding her hand to him , silently asking if she could spend time with the cullens and maybe just maybe leave with them for a while until everyone here appreciated humans a bit more. aro saw what athenodora had said and how Amelia thought gianna was right. " its not my call sweetheart , that's something for you mother and father however I sincerely doubt your father would allow it, spending time with the cullens is one thing my dear neice but to leave with them is another matter altogether. you see what about Marcus he would miss you as would I and your aunt sulpicia. even Demetri and felix would I'm sure" aro had spoken. if caius looked furious before now he was beyond it. gasps had came from the guard and the cullens when aro spoke of Amelia wanting to live with them. " its okay I understand ill go to my room" Amelia said hanging her head down, she didn't want to stay with the cullens permanently just for a break so that her family could try to be more respectful especially in front of her. not allowing anyone to see her tears, although jasper knew due to being an empath. Carlisle did the unthinkable " if miss Amelia wishes to stay with us for however long we wouldn't mind a bit , I must ask though why is she so upset?" Carlisle asked. " she is my daughter Cullen you'll do well to remember that and the matters that go on between these walls have none of your concern unless you wish to take up residence here again Carlisle, now aro did she say why she wants to leave ?" caius raged . absolutely fuming that Carlisle Cullen and his family would happily leave with his daughter and more so she actually wanted to go. " brother calm yourself she simply wants to get to know them, shes curious and shes thinks none of us hold any respect for the human kind and due to athenas outburst about filthy humans, she thinks gianna was right about us not actually caring for her. she spoke with Carlisle briefly in the hall and questioned him on his eyes and he revealed that he and his family in fact drink animal blood. showing our dear Amelia that in fact they have a great respect for humans as a whole so much that they found an alternative to survive, I say we take her feelings into consideration brother perhaps a small break away would do her some good after recent events?what would you say Marcus your her mate?" aro said knowing caius was close to snapping. " I say we speak to Amelia with Carlisle and find out just what she wants i'd be happy to grant a week maybe two given that she keeps contact with us perhaps, I cant bare the thought she doesn't want to be hear brothers, its as if we are forcing her here, shes getting older therefore becoming curious"marcus replied . he hated seeing his treasure this way and if a break from the castle is what she wanted then by god he'd give it to her as long as she was safe and came back to him.the only question haunting his mind was

would Amelia come back?

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