Chapter 2

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Speeding at vampire pace to Caius' chambers, both Caius and athenodora became suddenly overwhelmed realisation was setting it that they were no longer just immortal creatures of the night, the also had a human child, that would grow and one day live this life herself. " Caius sweetheart we will have to prepare a room for her so she has her own bedroom and maybe introduce her to the guard if not all,just the elite guard. After all they can already smell her scent and hear her heartbeat at least one of them could occupy her if myself or you were to find we were needed elsewhere" athenodora suggested." She can stay in my room Dora dear, she doesn't need her own room does she?i mean we just got her she's still a baby." Caius said his hold tightening slightly around the sleeping Amelia." I know love but she's going to get older and bigger I'm not saying her room has to be on the other side of the castle but you hate others in your room if Jane or demetri , Marcus himself even was to put her to bed could you honestly say you'd be happy with them being in here?". Athenodora questioned with her perfectly sculpted brows raised, knowing full well what his answer was to be, as if reading his mind she pulled out her laptop and started to shop for bedroom furniture, Caius could paint the walls being the magnificent painter he was.shed have Heidi and Jane order clothes and order Valentina to gather what basic things she would need like bubble baths, food,milk etc." I suppose your right my love, we can renovate the room next to mine, I of course am in charge solely of decorating, when her room is done we shall throw a small gathering of just the volturi to meet our daughter." Caius said standing to put sleeping Amelia in his bed, so she could get comfortable. Knocking st Caius door made him turn  and in walked Marcus himself wanting to see Amelia. Athenodora filled Marcus in on the plans for her room, Marcus' input being he would get a bookcase and fill it with all sorts of princess books and children's books. Aro arrived shortly after, wanting to meet his niece officially but finding her asleep, he'd just have to wait. Aro handed the bag that Felix had brought back with photographs of Amelia as a baby until the present time, he also packed some clothes. Around an hour had passed until Amelia woke crying instantly going to Marcus who was more than happy to embrace her." Amelia honey, shall we get you in a bubble bath and go and meet new people, mummy and daddy will be with you we promise" athenodora said to her gently holding out her hand for Amelia to hold." Okay mummy bubble bwath" Amelia shouted and scrambled down from Marcus' lap causing the tree kings and queen to laugh. Returning from her bath, Dora had dressed Amelia in her fluffy stitch onesie, putting her hair into pigtails . Athenodora made her way to the throne room to meet the Kings who had gone ahead to warn the guards to keep their behaviour in check. Letting them know they had a young princess to extend their protection detail too and that she was human so anyone who had not fed was to leave immediately and would be introduced at a later date. Marcus came to bring both amelia and Dora in , although Dora wasn't sure how to react, after all Sulpicia was there too and Amelia didn't take to well to her the first time .
Amelia was Resting on Dora's hip looking shyly through her mothers curly blonde locks smiling as she spotted Marcus and pointed at him " marky" she shouted causing Marcus to smile at her, there was an unfamiliar man in the middle and Caius on the end." Daddy" Amelia shrieked holding her arms towards her father. Amelia was becoming uncontrollable in Dora's arms as she wanted to be with her father, so when Dora set her on her feet neither King nor queen would have guessed that Amelia would turn and run straight to Jane. Looking up at Jane Amelia held out her arms to be picked up, Jane not knowing how to hold her didn't wish to pick her up in fear of hurting her, so she just looked at her masters. Sulpicia noticed the uncomfortable look on Janes face and took this moment to intervene, she headed for Amelia." Amelia sweetie I'm auntie Sulpicia come and say hello" . Amelia noticed how close Sulpicia was getting to her and ran to demetri again holding her arms out to be picked up, pouting her bottom lip Amelia looked up at demetri and was surprised as were the kings when he bent down and scooped her up , laying her in one arm and tickling her with the other making Amelia's laugh echo through the room. When he stopped and held her upright , Amelia out her hands either side of his face and kissed his nose. Turning in demetris arms she looked at Alec who stood on demetris left near Jane,Alec didn't care much for her so she turned to the mountain of a man on demetris right. Lookimg up at Felix, again she held her arms out completely comfortable with who they all were, felix held her on his shoulders slowly running around again making her laugh before returning her to her father with a bow. Felix returned back to line." Amelia my dear I'd like to introduce you too my brother Aro " Caius said  gesturing to Aro with his hand." Hello Aro" Amelia greeted smiling before looking back to her father." Hello dear Amelia would you come say hello and I'm uncle Aro, the lady over there is my wife Sulpicia, your auntie" Sulpicia came to aros side as he introduced her. Amelia ran from her and back to demetri. No one knew why she didn't like Sulpicia , demetri took her hand in hers and knelt down to her so that he was eye level" Amelia , I'm demetri, this big guy here's Felix the lovely lady over there is queen Sulpicia will you meet her for me , I promise I'll stay with you if you wish it princess." " and fewix"Amelia mumbled." And I will my princess if you promise to meet Sulpicia I'll watch a film with you later on that's a promise little one" Felix replied to her finding himself unable to say no .  Amelia's face lit up as she turned she held onto both demetri and felix's hand as they walked towards Sulpicia, safe to say Amelia was terrified. Both guards kept their promise amd stayed by her side however they did let her hand go to kneel before their queen. Amelia noticed this so she copied kneeling in between Felix and demetri. Athenodora snapped a picture in her phone before putting in back in her cloak pocket." Dear Amelia I am your auntie Sulpicia, I promise there's no reason to be scared of me I won't hurt you ever, I can promise you that do you think we could be friends, I hope so because I have a little gift for you"  Sulpicia finished before going behind aros throne and pulling out a beautifully wrapped gift." Weally for me?id like to be friends if you pwomise not to hurt me"Amelia replied looking up at her queen but not before glancing back to make sure demetri and Felix kept their promise and they did, she held her hand out to the queen who took it instantly." I promise dear, now here this is from me and uncle Aro, go ahead open it darling" Sulpicia encouraged. Amelia looked at her father" can I open it daddy pwease ?" She was asking for permission to open her own gift, the vampires didn't know much about human children's but they'd seen enough of them tear through presents without so much as a thank you. " of course sweetheart go ahead just be careful " Caius said giving his daughter permission, he'd do anything for that little girl. Amelia turned around and carefully examined where to open she slowly and carefully undid the wrapper. The next minute Amelia was sobbing."oh honey don't cry do you not like it?" Sulpicia questioned. Amelia stood and ran to Sulpicia and wrapped her arms around her neck giving her a hug. Sulpicia returned the hug whilst being confused as to why she was crying. Amelia let Sulpicia go only to hug Aro , Aro using his gift of seeing things with one touch saw that the Cinderella doll his wife had given her was like the one she'd lost not too long ago.amelia pulled back and ran to pick up her doll, turning to her auntie and uncle and saying thank you before going to show Felix her new doll. " film?" Amelia asked Felix remembering that he promised to watch a film with her, so that was what he did with her fathers permission Felix took the little princess back to his room asking Heidi to bring a Disney princess film on the way. Little Amelia snuggled into Felix whilst watching beauty and the beast. That was how she was found shortly after sleeping across felix's chest so peacefully.

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