chapter 5

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Amelia sat in her room by the window looking out at the sunset not knowing what to do , she knew the guard had their own jobs to do, her father was busy ruling and her mother well she didn't actually know what she did or where she was currently. Amelia was brought out of her thoughts by a light knock at the door. "come in" Amelia said softly, had it been a human at her door they may not have heard her. To Amelia's surprise it was one of the golden eyed vampires from earlier. " hello Amelia my names Rosalie and this is Alice and Bella. Alice was another gold eyed vampire and Bella was still a human. " we've just been to the kitchen to get Bella something to eat and when I asked where you were the kitchen staff hadn't seen you since this morning . we've all decided to do a girls trip of shopping so Bella's going to eat out instead, you can come too if you like sweetie" Rosalie spoke kneeling down to put her arm around Amelia. the Cullen clan would be lying if they said they didn't feel protective of her , in fact it was quite odd. " I don't think daddy would allow it" Amelia told them sadly, turning away to wipe her eyes. that was all Rosalie needed to snap into action. " well we wont know unless we ask will we let's grab your coat sweetie and go find them shall we ?" rose said holding her hand out hoping the little angel in front of her would take it and she did .

Alice had already located a warm enough coat and they all left in search of the three kings. no surprise when all three of them remained in the throne room. " forgive us my kings we've come to ask permission for Amelia to come on a shopping trip with us the kitchen staff says she hasn't eaten and Bella also needs to eat so we took it upon ourselves to invite Amelia" rose spoke rendering each vampire in the room, none of those were allowed anywhere near Amelia's chambers and the Cullen's had just walked in and turned Caius's world upside down. "id like to go uncle aro please?" Amelia begged. Caius scoffed before standing before his daughter who Rosalie had put behind her and crouched to a protective stance merely protecting Amelia. "Amelia you most certainly cannot go , do you remember what happened the last time you left the castle with Gianna, she left you alone in the city for hours before telling us " Caius spoke looking at Amelia waiting for her reaction. instead the only reaction he had was Emmett Cullen who let out an animalistic growl and speeding over and scooping Amelia up from behind his wife, Rosalie. " you mean to tell me that the human receptionist took her out and left her outside alone in the city and not one of you almighty vampires didn't sense that Amelia hadn't returned surely you'd sense her as her father, uncle and mate, you should have sensed her should you not, I can provide you with my word that Amelia would come back in hand with Rosalie therefore I'm telling you she's going and I'm going with them you can kill me when we get back but you'll have to excuse me , my daughter and family would like to start our shopping trip now " Emmett told Caius rather he shouted. " your daughter? Cullen I think you'll find she's my daughter you insolent little brat" Caius shouted back at Emmett only for Caius to get even more annoyed when he found Emmett smirking. " I wouldn't exactly say I was a little brat look at me I'm hardly little lord Caius, besides there's nothing stopping Amelia having two sets of parents and two families at least then she'll have one family that actually give a damn about her happiness, could you not see the emotional turmoil you've been putting her through, we're leaving now I'm sure this can be continued when we return which we will good day " Emmett retaliated leaving the room with the Cullen clan who by the looks of it were now all going on this trip. furious wasn't a word to describe Caius right now. aro was mortified that one Cullen had the backbone to speak to Caius the way they did and Marcus well he sat on his throne rather concerned and confused. Amelia's bonds with everyone in the volturi had started to weaken including his own, yet Amelia had family bonds tying her to each Cullen. this is what concerned Marcus deeply. if the bonds were there then would Amelia leave and not return to volterra reaching his hand to touch aro, Marcus allowed aro to see what he just did. " that does cause concern Marcus but only time shall tell.

what aro wasn't saying was that he truly thought it be best that the Cullen's keep Amelia until she is much older at least then she has a chance of a normal-ish life before being tied to Marcus for eternity.

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