Q+A // acknowledgments

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Damn, guys. I mean. D A M N.

Can you believe that our journey with Anna and Loki began just under two years ago? In fact, I joined Wattpad on February 17, 2016, and I started the book not much later. Two years and look how far we've come. 

The Ides of July now has over 600,000 reads on Wattpad, and the entire series is edging closer to 1 million combined reads every day. That's insane — absolutely mindblowing — and it's all thanks to you.

Thank you so much for supporting me and my writing, and thank you for being patient me (especially over the last year) as I figure everything out with my career as an author.

I started writing on Wattpad for fun in 2016, and it wasn't until I'd finished Followed that I decided I wanted to truly pursue this as a career. I made that decision less than a year and a half ago, and now my first book is already published and (hopefully) others will soon follow.

I owe that to you, to my friends, to my family, and to my husband. Conlan has always been a huge support for me — you can thank him for helping me plan that cliffhanger — and I'm so lucky to have him in my life.

Friends, keep being awesome. If you have the time, please check out my other books (especially my new stuff, like Broken Wings) because every little bit helps.


Q + A

Q: Will there be another book?
A: Yes and no. I will be wrapping up Anna and Loki's story, but — instead of a full-length book — it will be a short story (kinda like a miniseries) that ties up loose ends.

Q: When will that book be released?  
A: Hopefully, that book will launch in May 2018 (after Infinity War).

Q: Where is Anna? What about Loki? I'm confused.
A: Some things are bound to be a little confusing (keeps you coming back for answers), but most of it is revealed in the timeline. This book lines up perfectly with the start of Thor Ragnarok. (Other than Hela being Loki's sister instead of his daughter. Thanks, Marvel.) Loki is in Asgard posing as Odin, Anna is off-world, Heimdall is free, and Thor isn't around. I tried my best to keep the continuity with the MCU.

Q: Can I write my own Anna + Loki fanfic?
A: Yes! I even have a reading list on my profile where I promote fanfics people have written about my books. If you do write one, be sure to tag it #jandralee and send me a message with a link. (I tend to miss comments + dedications.) 

Q: What about fan art? 
A: Some people have sent me fan art for these books and I LOVE IT. Seriously, one person even sent me a Loki drawing in the mail. It's awesome, and it's in my office. (Thanks, XxXkitteh-rawrXxX). You can share it with me on social media or you can email it to me. Shoot me a message, and I'm happy to give you my email.

Q: I need advice, encouragement, or guidance about life. Can I talk to you?
A: YES. Friends, never feel like you can't come to me for advice. I've gotten to know so many of you — not just as readers, but as close friends — and I absolutely love that. Some of you even have my phone number, some of you chat with me on Instagram and Twitter, some on the Slack group, and some of you just shoot me messages on Wattpad. I love hearing from you, and I'm always here if you need help. 

Q: Do you have any plans for future fanfics?
A: Kinda? I've already started my Kylo Ren fanfic, and I do have another secret project that I might do in the future. However, because of my busy schedule, I don't want to announce it in the off-chance that I don't get to it. 

Q: Are your books available in paperback?
A: Yes! Fragile is available wherever books are sold (even internationally!) You can find it online at most book retailers - Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indiebound, Waterstones, etc. Just search for Fragile by Jandra Sutton.

Q: Can I get advice on writing/Wattpad/publishing?
A: Absolutely. My inbox is always open, and I'm about to start releasing weekly YouTube videos. If there's something specific you'd like to know more about, leave a comment here and I'll try to talk about it! 

Got other questions? Ask away and I'll answer!

Got other questions? Ask away and I'll answer!

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