Cheese X ♀ Reader

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You are a mouse, *Puts on Sollux glasses* Deal wid it!


You are a mouse you live in the ruins, there is a plate of cheese near you but you are scared to leave your home. Today, however, it is really hot and you need food, so you leave your home and run to the cheese. when you arrive you take a chunk of the melty cheese and eat some, a few strings drip down your chin to your chest. You grab more cheese and keep eating getting more on you, after a while the cheese drips to a place where no cheese should be EVER! You walk closer and fall into the cheese plate, you roll on your back to get up. You're covered in cheese the sticky yellow melty substance all over you as you sit up and lick it from your fingers, you feel some of the cheese on your inner thigh. You place your fingers there to retrieve the cheese and bring it to your lips, you lick the cheese off slowly. As you continue this action a froggit nearby is watching...and masturbating.

The end! Hope you liked it!

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