3 - school

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pls keep in mind that there will be a shitload of uploads in one day :)

ahhhh school

i honestly think algebra is useless.

when the fuck do am i gonna use the quadratic formula?

like no i dont want to find your roots. go to a hairdresser and sort your fucking roots out.

wow im using a lot of quotes from shows i dont watch.

i think algebra is only taught for future people to become algebra teachers.

and can we talk about how rude and disrespectful the students are to teachers?

like no they don't get paid to deal with your shit, they get paid to teach you stuff. so go and do your shit somewhere else pls.

big ass words.

yes big words that i have to know the definition to. 

im 99.9% sure i will never use any of those words anytime in my life. i might use them in my writing tho, but that's a completely different story. besides, google is here.

now lets move on to the people in school.

some are nice and tolerable. but the rest are absolute bitches.

the nice and tolerable ones are cool, i like those ones.

but the bitches are just wow. like no pls do not enter my life, i hate you and i wish to never see your face again.

i have 5 friends in school and i love them dearly. and then there are fake friends whom i put up with to stay on their good side.

yes i am a two-faced bitch but at least im funny.

haha im only funny on wattpad and im basically a hermit in real life.

idek if im funny on wattpad.

ok, that was my rant on school.


lisa xx

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