23 - dress code

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the school dress code basically won't allow me to wear anything.

no spaghetti straps, no shorts, blah blah blah.

the only reason why the dress code is made is for boys not to look at girls.

like that's the only reason why bc why else would you have a dress code?

to punish girls for wearing what they want to wear?

boys' dress code are so easy like no sagging, no shirts with big holes and the basics.

but the list of  things girls aren't allowed to wear is twice as long as the boys'.

like maybe you should teach boys not to look at girls in such way instead of telling us girls that boys will be boys.

i want to wear what i wanna wear and not feel like i'll sufficate in the heat.

i don't want to wear skinny jeans in 100 degrees weather like are you out of your fucking mind??

and male supervisors are allowed to dress code girls.

i am not comfortable with having middle aged men look at my legs.

like my friend got dresscoded by this stupid ass guy for having a hole in her jeans that was all the way up her thigh.

he must've been looking at her legs to find that fucking thing.

just no more boys will be boys.

ok bye.

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