7 - boys pt. 2

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lol boys.

boy oh boy do i have a lot  to say about boys.

aw but my crush is the most adorable little thing i s2g.

hes so nice and sweet and its just dklchjiuldxk

but like can we some guys' jawlines?

i swear some of them are sharp enough to cut through butter.

and abs, yes abs.

abs are hot and you know it. 

idek boys are so cute and nice but at the same time they're such jerks.

and when they tease you? awwwieeihxsj its so cute.

like yes tease me all you want bc at the end of the night you're coming home with me.

im kidding im kidding.

im the most virgin out of all virgins. 

if the virgin mary had a pool party filled with extra virgin oil while talking about why it's good to be a virgin with her other virgin friends it would be less of a virgin than me.

okay moving on.

but boys frustrate me.

you see, i'm very very shy plus im super awkward.

i dont have any guy friends and there are all these girls with 91327978 guy friends and that makes me feel lonely lmao.

all in all, boys are frustrating but i love them.

but ily more.

lisa xx

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