8 - girls

61 3 4

girls are not as complicated as you think holy shit.

we want to be loved.

we want to be happy.

seriously like, what is so complicated?

if a girl wants some chocolate, then bring her some chocolate.

if she's mad, don't ask her if she's on her period. pls don't, that's just disgusting and rude.

sure, we're a little bit complicated sometimes. but we're not algebra, where it gets so complicated you want to die.

sure there are some girls that are hella annoying and bitchy.

but they're still girls.

they also want to be loved.

they also want to be happy.

seriously, if you're not nice to girls, then don't ask why you can't get laid.

like idk, maybe you're an ass and no girls want to be near you.

some people are so disrespectful and sexist toward women and it seriously drives me insane.

like where would you be in this world without a woman?

you probably wouldn't exist because your MOTHER is a woman.

so please don't go around and disrespect women and treat them as if they're nothing.

they're the reason why you're even in this world right now.

this was a total serious rant.


lisa xx

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