12 - story

38 3 6

okay so like today my crush was slouching in his seat. 

you know how you crouch your legs move forward right?

so my desk is in front of his and like if he sticks his foot out he'll probably kick me.

so he slouched and his legs got incredibly close to my legs so ofc i had to move mine. 

but like he wouldnt move his legs so im just sitting there in a really uncomfortable position.

like move your legs pls i like you but pls move your legs i can feel your leg hair.

and like he tried to grab my id card bc you know my name's not really lisa and like he wanted to know.

i got really embarassed and i like took it away from him.

thank god he didnt see bc my id card looks like shit.

and then he leaned down to pick something up but i thought he was going to grab my id card so i tugged my backpack rlly fast and made this noise that i cant possible described.

i was so embarassed bc he was just picking up his stupid pencil.

ok this was lame but i had to say something so bye bye

luv lisa xx

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