9 - suicide

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ok another serious rant so listen up.

suicide is a serious thing.

you have to go through a lot to even think about suicide.

please, if you ever think about committing suicide, don't.

suicide is never the answer.

you might think it is at the moment, but i swear to you, you will regret it.

there are tons of people who jumped off the golden gate bridge, some survived.

and do you know what they all said?

that they regret it the moment they jumped.

you have so much to do in life.

don't end it in such a way.

this is cliche, but things really do get better in the future.

think about it.

if you end your life right now. right at this moment.

wouldn't you regret it?

you could've had a beautiful family in the future.

you could've had a great job.

you could've achieved all your goals and dreams.

but you can't.

not anymore.

because of that one stupid moment when you decided to kill yourself.

things get tough and life is unfair.

but there are people who truly care about you, even if you don't know it.

you are beautiful.


lisa xx

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