13 - me

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lmao why am i doing a rant about myself? im not.

i feel like most of you don't even know me.

so here are some things about me.

first off, i am a bitch.

no im not a bitch irl and im not gonna bitch you out in your face. 

but i am a bitch in my head.

i will curse anyone out in my head while being perfectly calm.

i think that's just human nature, really.

when i get mad, i wont say it.

but i will think it, and you can bet that it is violent as heck.

second, im actually very nice.

okay, im vv nice if you actually know me.

but if i hate you, then don't even count on me being nice to you.

i can be sweet yea ofc.

i mean like im a girl who loves the color pink and cotton candy.

third, i dont hate liars that much.

i mean we all lie.

and if i say i hate liars i would be a hypocrite.

bc i lie a ton.

but if you go overboard with lying, then yea i will hate you.

fourth, i lie alot to make people feel good.

i don't like seeing people feel bad.

i hate it bc ik it's a terrible feeling.

like doing the acc rates and being honest with everything hurts me bc i don't like seeing people feel bad.

like no you are beautiful even if you acc doesn't look good.

like idc if someone can't cook bc i'll say it tastes good just to make them feel better.

fifth, i get hurt pretty easily.

i get offended so easily though.

like once someone made fun of me having a rolling backpack in 6th grade and i was so ashamed i wanted to cry.

i don't cry much, though.

just sometimes.

okay, that's just a few things about me lol.

lisa xx

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