Day 18, Part 2

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Craig patiently waited for Clyde to answer his phone as he sprawled out on his bed. Within a couple seconds he heard a quiet, "this better be important since I had to tell my teacher I had explosive diarrhea to get out of class."

Craig felt a little stupid that he somehow forget that his friends were actually at school right now. "Sorry, I forgot you were at school, but I needed to explain myself to you."

"And you couldn't just do that over text?" Clyde said frustrated.

Craig ran his hand through his hair, "I could have, but it would have taken longer."

There was a moment of silence before Clyde sighed, "alright, get to it."

"I promise I am going to talk to Tweek, I have actual family shit going on."

Craig could hear the exhausted in Clyde's voice as he said, "I hope so, man. Token and I are getting tired of hearing both of you not work out when if you guys actually talked to each other like normal people, this entire mess wouldn't happen."

Craig knew what Clyde was saying was important but he could only hear one phrase play in his head over and over again. "Tweek talks about me?"

"Of course he does, you idiot!" Clyde whisper yelled. Then quitter he said, "I think a teacher just walked in, I got to go."

Even after Clyde hung up, Craig stayed there with the phone pressed against his ear. He knew that it was stupid, but all he could think about was the fact that Tweek talked about him in the same way Craig spoke about Tweek. He couldn't stop the grin the spread across his face, which was odd for Craig who spent most of his life in a state of indifference. The more Craig thought about it though, he doesn't remember a time when Tweek made him feel anything but extreme emotion.

Then his phone started vibrating indicating a text. Craig felt mildly annoyed as he glanced down his phone, even more so when he realized it was from Kenny.

I heard you and Tweek were actually gonna talk, you're not going to tell him about the dare, are you?

Craig wanted to just feel mild irritation at Kenny's prodding, but he could feel the anxiety race through him. Craig couldn't help but wonder if it was due to spending too much time with Tweek. Was he going to tell Tweek about the dare? Craig hadn't thought about it in a while.

Of course not, who do you take me for?

Craig knew that he should tell Tweek, after all, he deserved to know. Craig was selfish though, he was so close to being with Tweek, and he didn't want to give that up. Many in a couple of years when they both knew that they were staying right there he could casually mention it. Not now though, not when they were so fragile. Craig didn't realize he was so lost in thought until he looked down and noticed Kenny had already responded.

Good, do you wanna come over ;)

Craig grimaced, the idea of doing anything with Kenny felt gross. Especially now that he knew how much Butters cared for Kenny. Ruining relationships was one thing, destroying a person was another.

Are you really that desperate to get laid?

Craig had barely sent the text when Kenny responded.

You have no idea man.

Which was fair, while Craig enjoyed sex and preferred to have it often it was different for Kenny. For Craig it's like having dessert, for Kenny, it's more like a drug. Something that he needed or else he started to have anxiety attacks and was unable to focus.

What about Butters? I'm sure that he wouldn't mind helping you out.

Butters hasn't talked to me all day.

Craig wondered if that had anything to do with their conversation from yesterday. Craig doubted it, but even if it had, Craig didn't feel bad. Butters deserved someone better than a whore with more baggage than benefits.

Craig was going to respond with something telling Kenny what he thought, but then Craig's dad slammed his door open. Craig froze in surprise at seeing his down with his shirt sloppily buttoned up and his face red with anger.

Everything happened so quickly that Craig didn't understand what exactly went down. His dad rushed towards him, a scream, and then nothing.

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