Chaster Bunny

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Repetitive knocking at the door, stirred the vicious creature from his sleep and he slunk to the door. The irritating ring of static filled the room as he creaked the door open. "What?" He growled.

"Hey Anti!" The man in the baseball cap gripped. "Guess what, bro?"

"Someone's dead? Someone better be fuckin' dead... waking me up at..." Anti glanced back into his apartment, at a digital clock. "Five in the fuckin' mornin'?!" He turned back, glaring at the man in the doorway, as he glitched in and out of reality. His lip curled up in a grimace, showing off his sharp teeth. "Is someone dead, Chase?"

"No, I-" Chase began, but was quickly cut off by erratic glitching.

"Then someone will be soon." The creature hissed, clutching Chase's shirt.

"That's..." As the person speaking yawned, Anti glanced up, glaring at the man in the red suit. "... enough." He rubbed at his eyes through the blue mask on his face. "Chase was trying to do a nice thing."

"Why are you here?" Anti muttered. "Go back upstairs."

"Ve are all here." Came the familiar German accent, and Anti glanced around at all the men standing in the hallway.

Chase smiled. "I have chocolate, dude!"

Anti's attention snapped quickly back to Chase, his head tilting. "Why didn't you say so?" He held out a hand with a high pitched giggle. "Give."

"Well..." Chase chuckled, scratching his neck.

"He has hidden zem." Dr. Schneeplestein sighed. "He vants us to..." He glanced over at the others. "Hunt? Zem?"

"Yeah!" Marvin smiled sleepily, readjusting his mask. "He set up an Easter egg hunt around the building. I think it's sweet."

Anti rolled his eyes, releasing his grasp on Chase's shirt. "So, you couldn't get your kids for Easter and you're taking it out on us?"

Chase's eyes widened and he stepped back, jaw hanging open. Marvin quickly stepped up, placing a hand on Chase's shoulder. "Don't listen to Anti. He's bitter."

A man dressed in black and white tapped Chase's other shoulder. Chase glanced at him and the man waved, with a large grin. He placed a hand up above his eyes like a salute, squinting slightly as he crouched, scanning the area. Then he jumped up with a large excited grin and mock clapped his hands. "I zink he is excited to hunt ze eggs." Dr. Schneeplestein suggested.

"Yeah, of course he is." Jackieboy man cheered. "I am too. Let's get this started. We don't need Anti."

Rolling his eyes, Anti's form twisted between realities. "I didn't say I wouldn't do it." He shrugged. "I was promised chocolate."

Chase took a deep breath, nodding as he recovered from the blow to his psyche. "Right... well dudes... the eggs are hidden all through the building. All the common areas, some of the halls, and my apartment. Don't worry, left my place unlocked, bros!"

Anti glanced around at the group before he glitched. "Okay, but why is Robbie here?" He muttered, watching as the rotting mess of a man glanced at him with a low, accusing groan. "It's not like zombies eat chocolate."

Chase grinned, shrugging his shoulders. "He's still part of this... family? Club? He's a bro! And if he wants to hunt eggs, he can! He seems excited about it."

Robbie groaned, shuffling off down the hall. The other's watched him for a moment before Dr. Schneeplestein chuckled, drawing everyone's attention. "Robbie is getting ze head start."

"Savage!" Chase smirked. "Alright, get hunting dudes!"

Everyone, aside from Robbie who was still shuffling down the hall, exchanged glances. None of them were really sure how serious to take an Easter egg hunt. Suddenly the sound of static filled the room. "Fuck this! I'm gettin' all the fuckin' chocolate!" Anti squealed out over the noise and ran off down a hallway, glitching violently as he went.

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