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"Next up, uh... we have this trick! With cards!" Marvin the Magnificent stood in his apartment, an audience of action figures, stuffed animals and bobble heads before him as he practiced his show. "See?" He grinned, fanning out a deck of cards. "Normal cards, completely normal!" He pulled the deck close to his face, squinting at the back of them, then nodded. "Yup, normal!" He adjusted his cat mask, then grinned to a Spiderman action figure in the front row. "You sir! Why don't you come up and pick a card? Then I'll guess it!"

A sudden outburst of high pitched giggling from behind him, drew Marvin's attention. The familiar monster grinned widely as his form twisted between realities. "Tell us again how normal the cards are Marvin..." The sound of static rang through the air.

Marvin glanced around a little before focusing his attention back on the intruder. "How did you get in here Anti?"

Antisepticeye cackled, throwing his arms out to the side. "Magic!"

"That's my thing!" Marvin growled.

Rolling his eyes, Anti pulled a pair of keys from his pocket and jingled them, his arm glitching pack and forth from his pocket. "Spare set of keys. It was a lie. Like all magic." He hissed. "I'm better at it though."

"Lying?" Marvin mumbled.

"Magic." Anti smirked. "Of course, it's pretty easy to better at it than you."

Marvin scowled, pulling his cape around himself protectively. "I'm a magician. I do this for a living."

Anti slowly made his way closer, his glitching becoming more erratic. "To do it for a living, people actually have to come to your show, and you have to make money. You're as much a magician as I am, president of the world." Marvin opened his mouth and Anti let out a shrill giggle, circling around the man. "You should really just give up." Slowly, Marvin closed his mouth, watching Anti through the eye holes of his mask. Then he simply placed a hand to his neck, undid the tie that kept his cape in place and let it fall to the floor. Anti watched it drop, then watched Marvin, standing as still as he was able to. "What the fuck does that mean?" He hissed.

With a deep sigh, Marvin shrugged his shoulders, then slid his cat mask up on top of his head. "You're right."

"I'm-" Anti's eyes widened, then quickly returned to normal and he glanced off into the distance, trying to seem calm as his body flickered wildly about. "I'm always right." He muttered, then turned to stare intently at Marvin. "You're... giving up magic?"

Nodding slowly, Marvin pulled the mask off his head and carefully set it on the couch. "Yeah. I guess I am."

A small giggle escaped Anti, though it was toned down, almost as if the glitch was struggling to suppress it. "You literally don't do anything else." He giggled again, louder and more natural this time.

Marvin's jaw fell open slightly and he quickly closed his mouth again, taking a deep breath. "What do you do?"

"What?" Anti's body twisted between realities and slowly started making his way towards the door.

"I don't know..." Marvin slowly followed his movements. "What do you do... for fun, I guess?"

Anti stopped walking, a large grin taking hold of his face. "I torment Jack." He giggled, a hand moving to pick at the scar on his throat. "And sometimes... everyone else." He pulled his hand from his throat, glitching it through his hair before it fell back to his side.

Marvin nodded slightly. "I mean, I guess I could give it a try."

"Try... what?" Anti hissed, eyes narrowing.

"Tormenting people with you!" Marvin grinned.

Anti's eyes widened. "What? No!" He screeched, shaking his head. "We are not hanging out. It's not MY fault that YOU'RE a loser." His voice pitched high as his body destabilized, glitching erratically.

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