Sad Doggos (bc I'm sad)

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Finn has, more than definitely, broke in front of Gadget before.

He didn't want them to see, so he covered his face up with a pillow. 

It didn't work. Because it doesn't take long to figure out something's wrong when your boyfriend is covering his face with a pillow.. after weeks of having it uncovered and not caring. 

Cuddles and nuzzles ensue.

Finn won't tell why he broke (it's probably his squad) but he accepts the cuddles after half an hour of trying to pull away and hide. That wolf is not going anywhere while there is a sad boi in his bed. Who cares about the meeting, or the other stuff he needs to have done? He'll deal with the lecture later. His only priority is making the other happy. 

Eventually, it seems like it works. Finn wound up crying himself to sleep and Gadget worked on drying off his cheeks while he slept. If he's asleep enough, Gadget will run his fingers through his hair to soothe him. 

"I don't know what's going on, but I won't leave you behind."

"So says everybody..."

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