Two Sick Doggos

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(*is sick so projects onto my boys* hi hello

Also these will be some quotes lmao)

"We gotta quarantine this house so nobody else get sick. Quick, do we have caution signs?!" -Gadget

Finn, after Gadget sneezed on the counter, "We gotta throw the whole counter away and start over now."

Gadget, on headset, "Nobody come over for a little bit."

Sonic, also on headset, "Well geez, if you needed time alone, you could have said." 

And then when the sickness really kicks in they're both laying their miserable with runny noses and shaky hands

Help them

"We've been targeted, Gadge"

"No we haven't"


"By what?"

"I don't know, the sick committee."

"Oof. Sonic told me to watch out for those guys."

"Your sarcasm isn't appreciated, Gadget." 

"We're too sick to argue."

"My immune system's strength is gone. Not my voice."

Gadget, in a purposefully hoarse voice, "Oh no, oh god it's going, it- ... there it goes." *wheezes dramatically* "Rest in peace to my voice. Can't argue anymore."

"I guess this will be pretty one sided then, huh."

Gadget, still wheezing, "Nope. I won already." *pretends to die* 

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