Dumb Music Headcanon Thing

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Gadget listens to Mother Mother and nobody can take that away from me

The only song Finn likes from them is "Family" and "Forever and a Bit" so those are the songs Gadget plays the most

Finn will sometimes catch Gadget humming the tune to "Forever and a Bit" and sing along in his head 

One time Finn locked himself in their room and played that song when he had a bad day

He tries to avoid listening to "Family" at times because it brings up memories for him that he doesn't want

Gadget unironically listens to "Feel it Still" by Portugal. The Man and dances to it in the kitchen when he's alone

Gadget loves indie pop music bc Sonic is the one that showed it to him and bless anything that Sonic loves honestly

"One day I'll catch you dancing and film it."

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