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I was itching for class to be over so I can go home and relax just like every other teenager would want to do. Small groans and conversations erupted from the students and took over the room. Mr.Wall became slightly frustrated and released us earlier than usual. I quickly exited the class to catch up with Zell.

"So any plans this afternoon?" I asked as I hug her from the side.

She shoves me aside before replying, "Yes, drama club takes place today forgetful idiot." she sighs after her very expressionless statement. I found it quite odd that I'm the forgetful idiot, but she made a 5 on a state test...

As much as that hurt, I ignored it and continued my expedition to the school basement for drama club. On the way there I spotted the following: Obvi, Even, Elizabeth, Jake, Dreon, Tris, Ivan, and Chris.

"Hurry and report to the basement immediately before Mr Blue flips out." I demanded as I pass by.

Once I arrive to the room, I'm beat by Elizabeth, Obvi, and Even. We would usually race to the room for better lines in the script.

"Grab your script from the desk near the back wall and be seated." Mr Blue states while greeting us as we enter the class.

"Where is the rest of the students? There late!" At this point, Mr Blue has now flipped out.

"I told half of them to report to class immediately, but as you can see only half followed directions."

I was one of the managers for the organization so I was held to a certain level of authority and responsibility.

Thoughtless, I began reciting my lines from the script. "If you truly were my friend you would have took up for me in places you knew I couldn't."

Elizabeth approaches me and began, "Great. Seriou-" she was cut off by the other students entering the class ten minutes late.

Everyone began to get comfortable in there seat and prepare to read there script aloud. I forget to thank Elizabeth so I head over to her seat. On the way there, I trip over Tris bookbag and plummet to the surface of the ground.

"Watch it prick!" Tris says disgustingly.

Elizabeth is no where to be found. I make an attempt to search for her but Mr Blue shouts at me, "SIT DOWN!"

I head to my seat, this time avoiding Tris.

 "You all may start reading the script,  starting with you John." Mr Blue orders.

I shuffle through the unorganized papers when I see Elizabeth reappear in the classroom. That was certainly odd. Where did she go? I dismissed the thought.

I began reading my lines. "Jaydon can I borrow your ink pen?"

It was obvi turn to read now.

"I need it to draw my life back together, sorry." Although this was fictional, it sounded just like Obvi in real life.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The obnoxious emergency bell for the basement is now triggered. Everyone began to panic. I scan the room for unfamiliar faces or odd events taking place in this very room to find nothing.

Elizabeth pushed her glasses back on her nose before flashing a fake smile.
I wondered if she had anything to with this debacle. It was my job to find out.

"Mr Blue what is going on?" Even questions worriedly on behalf of the class.

"Some one is missing in the building so we are on lock down momentarily. Remain calm." Mr Blue responds.

"Someone is missing and you want us to remain calm?" Dreon refutes.

During this conversation I still continue to eye Elizabeth cautiously trying not to loose sight of her presence.

"Wait, someone was found dead in the janitors closet..." Mr Blue informs.

Screams burst into the air like lava erupting from a volcano. Scripts flying around the room and everyone rushing to the door to exit caused motion sickness within me.

I look up to Elizabeth, gone-again. One thing I noticed though is red fingerprints on her script, probably blood. I wondered where that came from.

"Can I use the restroom?" I asked Mr Blue as I gather my belongings.

"Hurry back! We don't need another student dead or missing." He responded bluntly.

I nod before rushing out the room.

I quickly rush out the room into the crowded halls. There, I spot a blond running upstairs.

It was Elizabeth.

MörderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora